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A few days later, Remus was ready to move. Sirius was nervous, but tried to keep himself calm by going over the phone call he had. Are you straight? Bisexual. Sirius was in love with his best friend. This makes everything much more complicated. It used to be that Sirius could push away his feelings because he assumed Remus to be straight, but now that he knows otherwise... 

Sirius was brought out of his thoughts by a knock at the door. 

"Hey, Rem!" He says, pulling the door open. Standing outside is Remus, hiding behind Emmeline. "Hi, Emmeline."

"Hello, Black."

"Do you... want something? Need something?"

"Can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Of course. Come on in." Emmeline walks into the flat, looking around suspiciously. Before he follows, Sirius turns to Remus. "What's she doing here?"

"She may be annoying but she's still my sister. So she's extremely protective over me."

"Doesn't she know that she doesn't have to protect you? That I do a good enough job on my own?"

"Aww. That's sweet but we both know I'm much stronger than you." Sirius rolls his eyes as he walks back over to Emmeline. 

"What's up?"

"Nothing..." she says vaguely. 

"Do you need something?"

"Nope. Just come to check out the place. Make sure it isn't infested with anything."

"Ok, Em! That's enough!" Remus says, walking over and putting his hand on her shoulder. "Don't you have to go meet Hestia? Dorcas and Marlene, too?"

"Right! You two want to join us? Triple date?" (Thanks Em neither of these two were gonna work out the courage to ask each other.)

"Oh, we're not actually-" Remus starts.

"Yeah, we're only faking. Rumors and stuff. Long story."

"So that's a no? Come on, Rem! You used to love Marls!"

"Yup. Glad we're bringing that up. Is Mary gonna be there?"

"Nah, she's single. Not invited."

"Sirius and I are single!"

"But you're pretending not to be! It counts for something, Rem."

"Emmeline... can you give Sirius and I a minute?"

"Of course, brother dearest." Emmeline steps away with the air of someone who's just one the lottery.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is she being so nice?" Sirius asks quietly.

"She says she wants to try again with our relationship. That since I'm moving out we should try to become ... friends."

"Oh. Well I have an idea that gets us out of this date thing with those random people, all of whom you will give me the life story of later by the way, and invite a bunch of people over for a sort of 'housewarming' party. Only if it's ok with you, of course."

"For the best. She won't leave us alone until she knows that we aren't going to be secluded from the world, so if we invite people over it'll look like we have friends."

"We do have friends!"

"Fine, fine! I'll get her out of here and then we can work on a guest list."

"Perfect," Sirius says happily. A party doesn't sound half bad. 

Soon enough, Emmeline's gone and it's just the two of them sitting on the floor working on a list of people to invite.

"We can invite James and Lily," Remus suggests. Sirius is reluctant since Lily knows about his crush on Remus and might try something, but agrees nonetheless.

"That Mary girl Emmeline mentioned?" Sirius offers. Remus agrees and writes her name down.

"Do we know anyone else?"

"There's my brother."

"Would you want him here?" Remus asks, as caring as ever.

"Regulus: yes, his friends: hard pass." 

"Fair, his friends are the worst. What about that Pettigrew kid. Peter?" Remus asked.

"I don't know him. Might be awkward." 

"Then who else do we know? I told you we don't have friends."

"Oh! Frank Longbottom! The boy who moved because he wanted to marry his girlfriend. Allie or something."

"Alice," Remus corrects. "Can you contact him?"

"We were paired for a project. I can!"

"Then do it! If he can go tell him to bring Alice."

"Right, yes."



"Hey! Just wondering if you wanted to come to my place tonight. We're having people over, bring Alice."

"Sure, man. I'll check with her. What time?"

"Eight. No clue when it'll end though," Sirius says with a smirk and a wink at Remus, who blushes. Sirius can pin this on friendly-flirting if he asks about it.

"Cool, see you then!"

"You have my address?"

"Yeah, I studied there, remember?"

"Right. See you, have a couple other phone calls to make. Bye!"

"Bye!" And with that, Sirius hung up.

"We can invite those people Emmeline was talking about too. And her, if you want. I mean, she seems cool now."

"She is. Yeah, I can call them. That means Emmeline, her girlfriend Hestia, Mary, Mary's best friend Marlene, and Marlene's girlfriend Dorcas!"

"This party is anything but straight."

"Yeah, that's why it's the best! I'll invite them now and you invite Jily." That's what they call James and Lily now. They both agreed that saying both names was a waste of time. "And Regulus!"

"Right. Invite literally anyone else you can. I'm inviting a bunch of people that I haven't mentioned and you should do the same! Let's get this party started!"

Ok people! Thanks for reading and the party scenes are next! It's probably going to be in two parts. I have a list of characters that are going to become relevant in the coming chapters as well as their sexuality/significant other(s). If you want to see that let me know and I'll have another update up pretty soon. I know that last time I said that I was going to post every other day but while I'm still on break I'm posting as much as I can! I'll see you soon with another update and happy reading!


Wolfstar AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora