Packing (part 2)

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WARNING FROM THE AUTHOR!! I know there are some aspects of this that aren't true to the original story/canon/fanon however it's what we're going with. Please don't be angry that I changed some things, it's just that that's what had to be done for the story to progress. Also this is a direct following from the last where the final sentence was  "It'll be faster with both of us," Sirius says quickly. 


"S'pose you're right. Get on, then," Emmeline ushered. They complied, Remus leading Sirius into a room Sirius assumed to be his bedroom. He wasn't lying when he said he liked astronomy, there were lunar cycles and constellations on the walls. He had a clay sculpture of the moon next to a bed that had a galaxy duvet. "I was right with naming you 'Moony', that's for sure." Remus laughed. He set some of the boxes that were against the wall onto the bed and started to pack things. "You can go, if you want. Emmeline's right, it's an easy enough job."
"And I'm also right. It'll go faster with the two of us."
"Doesn't matter how fast it goes. I'm still moving out on the same day." Once more, Sirius doesn't know what came over him. This is becoming a rather unfortunate pattern. "You can move out the day you get this finished. Move in with me, if you'd like."
"You're sure?"
"'Course. Anything for Moony." Remus grinned.
"As long as I'm not a burden on you."
"You could never be a burden."
"I'm a burden to Emmeline."
"Well Emmeline doesn't know you well." Remus pffts. "How'd you come to move in with her, anyway?"
"We've known each other forever."
"How'd you meet? If you don't mind telling me."
"It's fine. No one's asked me questions about it before. Just trying to get the story straight." He packs the clay moon. "When I was young my parents died. Well, my mum died. My father ran off after her death. I was put in an orphanage, where I was bullied." He pulls the neck of his sweater over his shoulder, showing a scar. "There's more than just that. I was adopted after a few years, but I didn't trust my family. The last people I had been with had hurt me, after all. Eventually I came to realize that they were there for me, especially my sister." He takes a deep breath. "After my adoptive parents died, my sister grew distant. She was older than me, and got the house. She sold it, not wanting to live there alone. She bought this place, and invited me to stay with her, as her parents hadn't left me anything. They hadn't changed their wills when they adopted me, so she helped. And that's why I live here, with my sister."
"Yeah." There was a strained silence."So, you do want to move in with me?"
"I'd love to." They continued packing, but it didn't take long for Remus to start explaining why he loved astronomy for Sirius, then pointing out constellations for him. It got late, though, so Sirius had to leave. "I can bring over a box of stuff." "Would you? That'd be amazing." "Sure, can't promise I won't look through it though." Sirius flashed a cheeky grin, a Sirius grin, and took the box on offer. "Go ahead. Nothing to hide. Just some posters and pictures and things.""Thanks. I'd better be off now, see you tomorrow?"
"See you. Bye, Pads."
"Bye, Moons." And with that, Sirius left.When he got back to his flat, he decided not to snoop in Remus' things. He put the box on the counter and before the glass of water was even half full he went back on that decision. He set his glass down and took out the first thing. A poster, star signs. "Of course," Sirius mutters, pulling out another astronomy-related poster. The first thing that piqued his interest was a poster with the bi flag on it. Sirius set that to one side. He then pulled out a photo of a young Remus, laughing. A Polaroid photo with a note.What do whales eat? --->Sirius flipped it over. Fish and ships.It was a dumb joke, but clearly one that Remus had liked. Sirius smiled and promised that one day, he was going to make Remus laugh like that. There were more photos, most just with dates and locations on the back. All of them had something. Not all of them had Remus, some had people Sirius assumed to be his adoptive parents and Emmeline. Childhood friends. Other family. He stacked the photos together. He then pulled out a notebook, Sirius knew not to read it, and he didn't. He set it beside the photos and moved on. The next thing he pulls out is a box, a puzzle. A werewolf puzzle. Moony. Fitting.

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