Packing (part 1)

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Three months after telling Regulus about the fake-dating and nothing's gone wrong. Remus and Sirius both know that they can fake-break up now, but haven't spoken about it with the other secretly wanting to keep it on. The occasional handholding or peck on the cheek, it didn't get more serious that that. Also hugs. Lots of hugs. 

Sirius didn't mind because it gave him an excuse to fluster Remus, which has quickly become his favorite thing to do. Any time their hands brush he freezes a little bit, unless he's been warned in which case his breaths go labored. Sirius wants to believe his flustered-ness is because he feels the same about Sirius as Sirius does about him. But he won't believe it because he doesn't believe Remus is gay or bi or interested in him or the same sex in any way. Remus has assumed Sirius knows about his bisexuality so thinks he's brushing their hands together on purpose to tease him. Of course, this doesn't make sense because Sirius himself is gay, but he believes it  nonetheless. 

Today they were sitting in class after school was already over finishing some homework. Well, Remus was helping Sirius with his homework as Remus had finished his own. Anyhow Regulus came in with Severus and saw the boys studying together, talking in hushed whispers. Severus wants to listen in while Regulus wants to let his brother have his privacy, but gets roped into listening too. "So yeah, the sale went through and I'll move in soon," Remus says, grinning. "That's great! Have you been to visit the place yet?""Nope, but I've seen pictures and I don't mind cleaning it."
"Do you need any help moving? I'd be more than willing to help.""That'd be great. I'm packing today, you want to help?"
"I'd love to." Regulus felt bad for listening in, but it sounded like they were in an actual relationship, which was not what Sirius had told him. Neither Remus or Sirius noticed Severus and Regulus walk out of the classroom. The two boys pack their bags and head out the door when Remus, being taller than Sirius and able to see above his head and out the window, saw the two other boys talking outside. "Padfoot, Reg and Severus are out there." He jerked his head to the wall the two were standing behind.
"Give me your hand." Sirius took the outstretched hand and they made their way outside, speaking covertly in hushed breaths. "Walk by as if we don't even see them, like we're caught in our own world."
"Doesn't your brother know it's fake?"
"Yes, but Severus doesn't. And I trust Reg," Sirius said, intertwining their fingers. Remus' breath hitched when Sirius started rubbing the back of his hand. "You doing alright?"
"Fine, you?"
"Fine. You just seemed a little...frazzled. Distracted."
"Nope. All part of the charade," Remus lied, hoping Sirius wouldn't catch his double blink in the darkness. That was his tell. He would lie and blink twice really fast. He usually pretended to have dust in his eye to take the attention away from his false statement. "Ok, we've passed them now, we can let go," Sirius said, but he didn't move. "Right." Remus did move, much to Sirius' disappointment. They walked the rest of the way to Remus' place bumping shoulders as their only form of contact. When they arrived, Remus made a wide gesture with his arms. "Here we are. You're going to meet Emmeline and her ghastly dog."
"I would like to remind you that your nickname for me is 'Padfoot'. That reminds me, I need a nickname for you."
"What, was 'Rem' not good enough."
"Not nearly! I'm Padfoot based on something I like. What do you like?" You, was what he wanted to say. Instead he shrugged.
"I don't know. I like astronomy."
"My name is Sirius Orion Black. I'm not doing something related to stars."
"There are other things in the sky too, you know." "Like what?"
"The moon."
"Fine. Your nickname is now... are you ready for this?"
"Yes." Remus pushed the elevator button and it started up with a clang. "Moony."
"Hey! That's some of my best work! I call James 'Prongs' because he once had a stand off with a deer. It was hilarious."
"That sounds petrifying. And ridiculous."
"It was funny!" Sirius said defensively as they stepped out of the lift. They continued along the hallway until Remus stopped and unlocked a door. "Emmeline? I'm back!"
"Lupin! Thank goodness you're here-" she saw Sirius standing awkwardly behind Remus and smiled slightly. "Who's that?"
"Oh, hi. I'm Sirius. Black." Remus laughed. It was the same way he'd introduced himself to Remus just a few months before. With the pause between the two words and everything."Emmeline." They shake hands. "What brings you around?" Sirius looks at Remus for confirmation that Emmeline knows about the move. "He's here to help me pack," Remus answers. "I'm sure you could have done it on your own," Emmeline snapped. Sirius understood why he wanted to move. "It'll be faster with both of us," Sirius says quickly. 

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