'Housewarming' Party (part 1)

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Quick disclaimer I'm going to be updating these in small parts. So there are going to be sub chapters within each update. Probably 1-2 depending on how I feel and how long they are. This update only has one. The subchapters look like this:


All the information I got is either from Harry Potter Mischief Wiki or Harry Potter Wiki (Fandom). This is longer than my normal ones  but the next is twice as long as this so happy reading!



Sirius and Remus are pacing the length of their flat waiting for the first guest to arrive. There's a knock at the door, but not the telltale knock of Regulus. Remus opens the door. A tall, eager-looking girl hugs him. "Hey, Mare! How've you been?" Remus asks, hugging back. Must be Mary. Sirius tries to think back to what Remus told him about her. Mary MacDonald, best friends with Marlene, close with Hestia, knows a pair of twins. Prewett twins. Gideon and someone else. Fabian. She and Fabian dated for a while, but broke up realizing they didn't like each other like that.
"I've been great! How about you? Who's this handsome gentleman?" She asks, turning toward Sirius.
"Sirius Black, Remus and I are in the same class."

"Mary MacDonald, though I'm sure you already knew that and a bit about who I know." Sirius nods slightly while Mary laughs. "Come on in! You're the first here, yes Marlene is coming," Remus says, answering her question before she'd asked it.
"Nice place," she comments, glancing around much like Emmeline had when she'd been over. "Thanks," Sirius says. Another knock. Or rather, two knocks. A break. Three more knocks. "That'll be Reg. I'll get it!" Sirius swings open the door to a cold-looking Regulus. "Hi, Sirius. Who's that?" He looks at Mary.

"Hi, I'm Mary MacDonald, Remus' friend." She holds out her hand. He shakes it reluctantly. "Sirius, can I speak to you?"

"Of course." Regulus pulls Sirius outside. "Why am I here? You did not mention other people when you invited me.""It's a 'housewarming' party for Moo-Remus.""Remus doesn't live here."

"You invited him to live with you? I knew you were hopeless but that is next level."
"So you're saying I exceeded your expectations?"

"Technically, yes! You know what, I'm going to go in there and do what I hate most, socialize, because I love you and I don't want you to mess this up for yourself."

"Good. There's a bunch of other people coming, by the way."

"List the names. First and last."

"Mary MacDonald. Marlene McKinnon and her girlfriend Dorcas Meadowes. Hestia Jones and her girlfriend as well as Remus' sister Emmeline Vance. Lily Evans and her boyfriend James Potter." At this Regulus groaned, but Sirius continued. "Alice Fortesque and her boyfriend Frank Longbottom. Andy and Ted, you know them of course.""Andromeda and her husband? Any other relatives?"

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