Chapter 1

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So this is actually based off a roleplay I did that I wanted to turn into a real series, this is only a prequel to that and in this it follows two characters only hinted at in the main events, this is just a fun little thing I work on in my free time.

I bounced around the nursery of the hatching den. It was a pretty area, large with a fireplace in the center. Den 1 was a muddy brown den for Mudwings. Den 2 was covered in hot sand, for the Sandwings. Den 3 was half pool- half sand for the Seawings. Next to that in Den 4 was cooled and black with purple and red crystals for the Nightwings. Sort of amazing anumis magic could do this! Den 5 was humid and colorful, for the Rainwings. Den 6 was hot and red, just for the Skywings. Den 7 had snow and ice and was even colder than the Nightwing den, it belonged to the Icewings. I was an Icewing myself, under the name Aureus, I'm 3. My family had left me here before I had even hatched out of my egg, my mother left a note saying what she wanted me to be called, Aureus, because I was her little golden girl! Or boy, she did not know the gender. The guardians had believed I was going to be a Seawing, my egg was so blue! Sometimes I think I may be a Seawing, I love water! My friend Tundra thinks I'm crazy but it's true! Speaking of Tundra, the pale blue dragonet was coming my way.

"Hi!" I chirped gleefully at her.

"Oh hey Aureus," The blue dragon said.

I glanced around for the baskets where they kept all the dragonets food, in the corner of the cave there was a fruit basket and next to it laid an empty meat basket, I sighed a little disappointed.

"Bleck Fruit! There are meat eaters here you know? Another day of fruit! I hate that there is a food shortage! If there wasn't! We would be home! Not
Stuck here!" snorted Tundra

Just then a blackish, purplish dragon with scattered white scales that looked like stars walked over she wore a fake smile on her face.

"Oh I was just looking for you! Have any of you seen Fern? She told me to meet up with her at lunch time," said the young nightwing.

I glanced around, thinking, " Why would Fern wanna hang out with Shadow something was off" I thought of the young mudwing, a pale brown with darker scales mixed in, an ordinary looking dragon but with enough secrets to make up for it.

I spoke aloud saying, "No we haven't we will keep a look out though". Tundra rolled her eyes. I remembered that she and this nightwing had a history; at one point this nightwing had publicly humiliated her. I didn't know the details though but I remember tons of dragonets calling her mean names for months.

"I wonder if anyone would adopt us..." I muttered

"Nobody has been adopted in over a year, don't get to hopeful that two of us will, we all know this is more of a home than an adoption center considering nobody wants to adopt," Tundra snorted matter-of- factly.

"I know but I wish..."

"Don't get your hopes up,"

"I'm not! But I Can dream, can't I?" I said back crossly.

"Well it's going to be shattered, there is only one way out and that's running away so unless you have some epic plan to escape we will be here until we are grown ups!" snorted Tundra pacing back and forth knocking any dragon nearby her with her tail.

"But then what... we have no connection to anyone, meaning..."

"The war has not lasted THAT long, only around 8ish years so we won't know yet, but we have 4 more years stuck here!"

"I just feel like we belong out there," I said wondrously or at least I thought so!

"Well when your ditzy headed sorry excuse for a brain gets out of the clouds of dreamland come tell me!" she said icily, Tundra was nice like that.

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