Chapter 7

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I watched the clouds swirl in the sky as we continued our journey. I hoped the dragonets were ok, boy were we lucky that happened otherwise we would have been caught.

I wondered how Tundra knew how to fight for a moment before thinking she is Tundra of Course she knows how to fight! Probably to get pesky little shrilled face rainwings away from the Queen of Grumpiness. I suppressed a laugh, luckily Tundra was behind me so she could not see my expression.

"This is taking forever," moaned Tundra.

"It's only been a day," I replied yet also feeling restless.

"Well it certainly feels Worse because we are ICE wings going through a HECKING DESERT!" scoffed Tundra.

"It should only be a few days more of this," I said though I knew they sounded dull and annoyed also.

"It's taking MOONS!" grumbled Tundra, "We should take a break!"

"The sooner we are out the sooner it's over which means we should keep on going," I pointed out.

"I don't think us boiling to death is going to get us there any faster," said Tundra sharply.

I did not respond and we kept flying for a few more hours before I finally relent and we found the nearest town, it was called Chaos Village. Charming name really. Though everything looked nice and orderly, it looked like any regular town, houses and shops lining the street, dragons shouting about how good their products were, it was nice I guess. Tundra was currently being solicited by some young sandwings. I stifled a laugh at this and wondered if there was a hotel.

"Hey Tundra, do we uh have any money?" I asked.

A strange expression came upon Tundra's face at that moment, a mix between annoyed, angry, and shock and she merely shook her head. Before saying, "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know? Steal?" I said halfheartedly not wanting to steal, maybe just a fruit or some candy would not do much damage, maybe someone would even take pity on us and just let us have it.

"We are ICEWINGS, we are way above stealing," growled Tundra in shock.

"Well we certainly are not above hunger," I replied calmly defending my idea.

This seemed to infuriate Tundra, but before she could say anything a tall burly Mudwing approached us.

"You look a little young to be traveling alone," she said.

She was an orangish shade of brown, with darker underbelly scales, a strange trait, at least i've never seen it before, but i've been around practically the same dragons my whole life.

"Too young!? We are basically adults mind you!" hissed Tundra ruffling up her scales so they stood up, "Who are you?"

"I'm Cedar," said Cedar cheerfully despite Tundra's rude introduction, "I'm very sorry for the rude intrusion but where are your parents?"

I shared a glance at Tundra, and Cedar almost immediately dropped her smile, "Oh dear, i'm so sorry for you guys, I know this doesn't sound genuine as i've heard many dragons say this to me about... certain things... but I really am truly sorry for you guys,"

"Hey! Nobody said they were dead! Our business is our business, I'm sure someone like you has somewhere to be than assuming stuff about strange young ADULTS mind you," growled Tundra defensively flaring up her wings and ruffling up the spikes on her back again, obviously this was a sore subject.

I shot a glance at Tundra dubiously, and nudged her away from Cedar who had a wounded expression on her face.

As soon as we were out of sight, I scowled and began to scold her, "She could have helped us, I know the heat is making us grumpy right now, well you are more grumpy than usual, but you have to control your behavior!"

"Whatever, you're not my mom," she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"You're right I'm not your mom, your mom left you there because she did not want you I bet, at least we both know my mom could not keep me and wanted me," I snapped back at her, instantly feeling regretful.

"Oh yes, and you're her precious little golden girl!" mocked Tundra angrily, "Please I bet that was just some excuse in case you ever found her again, but sure keep on prancing around with your smug golden girl face on! Give me a break!"

"Will you stop with your golden girl insult? Seriously it's getting old," I said annoyed.

Tundra stormed off down a street, I figured she would be back soon, I might as well enjoy myself while we were here.

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