Chapter 9

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Curved white talons smashed onto the table, "No for the last time we just want some fish!"

Tundra was threatening the staff again, how pleasant.

The dragon serving them was an incredibly old sandwing with tiny glasses and numerous battlescars... she was uh... "You want a serving of glass and your very own fish? We don't serve that here-"

"NO!!! FISH!!!"

"Do you want fish or not???" said the sandwing staring dubiously at the dragon who should've been a Skywing, just for the aesthetic of smoke billowing from her nostrils.

"W-E J-IST WAA-NT SOME F-ISH!!!" growled Tundra sounding it out slowly, "FI-ISH!"

The pale gold sandwing nodded their large head.

"Fish." repeated Tundra, "Did you get that?"

"Ayo! These kids here want an cucumber spiced latte, seven cooked finches with flowers and doughnuts, your total will be around 30 gold coins." yelled the Sandwing to the cook who nodded back, before walking away with a smile.

Tundra banged her head on the table with a groan, and snort, "Guess we are getting a cucumber spiced latte, I didn't even know that was a thing. Back to fruit."

I gave a small chuckle, deciding to provoke the tiger I responded with, "Actually cucumbers are vegetables."

"Even worse," she muttered dramatically slamming her head back down into the table.

I tapped her skull with one of my claws, "Tundra, dragons are staring."

"Let them stare," pouted Tundra a small smile I rarely got to see quirked onto her expression, "They're stupid anyways."

To the side of us, at the bar, several smug looking Sandwings hissed.

"Did they just say we were dumb?" one asked, flicking their tail barb back and forth menacingly, glaring at the two of us, to which we both responded with ducking behind a menu and staring intently at it.

"I don't know, Arafura." responded the smallest out of them, but still over twice their size flattening their ears, "I wasn't listening."

"Do, do I get to beat them up?" asked another baring their teeth.

"Shut up," hissed another Sandwing in the middle with an emerald necklace, "Those two half pints aren't worth it."

Their companion instantly deflated to which the one called Arafura rolled her eyes at.

"Or maybe your just to scared." asked a mudwing raising their eye brow??? skepetically. ( What do you call it when you just kinda raise your eye skin ish since they don't have hair ), "Of a bunch of hatchlings."

Tundra huffed at this and I lightly shook my head, urging her to stay quiet.

"I'm scared? Are you delusional, or just drunk?" snarled the sandwing that had called us halfpints.

"Serval you've always been too scared to do anything," replied the Mudwing just as coldly.

"Oh really? Xerocole, I believe I was quite quick and decisive when I ended our relationship."

Arafura loudly in a fake whisper said, "Xercole has officially gone cuckoo!" to the smaller one sitting beside them.

"I am not cuckoo! And you." he jabbed a talan towards Serval who glared right back at him, "Your a traitor and a cheater!"

"I don't know, Eland, what do you think?" asked Arafura.

"Defineitely crazy," she chirped.

"Can I beat him, up?"

Serval responded in a smooth voice holding back the anger in her eyes, "I- That's rich coming from you! You-

"Don't bring my step-mother into this!"

"Just admit it then! I'm stronger than you will ever be!"

"No way!"

Then two other Mudwings marched into the restaurant.

"No way my younger brother is stronger than me!"

"What's this about my deceased wife?"

I cautiously poked my head over the menu to watch them start fighting over who was the "strongest."

Turning my head towards Tundra I asked, "Did, did we just start a bar fight?"

"I think we did!" laughed Tundra, who was sipping the cucumber latte, when did they give us our food? Guess I was too distracted by the fighting.

"Wow," I murmured, you really are going to town on that.

Tundra glanced down before shrugging, "I suppose so. Maybe I should be more opened minded about such things."

"Ain't that the understatement of the year?" I teased poking her lightly, "Save me some! I want to taste this cucumber latte!"


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