Chapter 5

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I shook my head in disappointment, as Tundra left fuming, I think if she had fire, smoke would be coming out of any opening on her!

What was she talking about? Sure I did not like it here but the guardians were nice to me! I decided to ask around, surely everyone would share my opinion.

I walked over to Ember who was curled up on the fireplace as her friends had gone to sleep, she lifted up her head and stared at me questioningly.

"What do you think about living here?" I asked politely, staring at the crackling fire trying to keep away from the hot sparks and embers that would come off every so often.

She pondered for a second before saying, "It's nice enough I guess, the guardians are pretty bad though, they are so darn strict! They won't let me do the simplest bits of freedom, like staying on this fireplace, as you can tell I listen So well! If I could escape I would, but I can't, I guess I gotta keep dreaming,"

That was not the answer I was hoping for, so I walked over to Liliac, my purple rainwing friend. She thought I was the prettiest dragon in the whole world, which of course I'm not going to object to.

"I really don't like it here, the guardians are so rude to everybody. I wished I was friends with Fern then I could have escaped with her, it's so sad here, everyone is miserable, there is nothing to do, we may be safe from the war but is prison any better? Is not living at all any better?" was her response, she was empathetic, that's what I admired about her.
I was surprised Liliac thought that though so I walked over to Soot and asked him the question and I got roughly the same response, I asked anyone who would listen all day, but everyone had around the same response, was I the only one who never thought about escaping, everyone else seemed to have escape plans ready. Was it really that bad? They always talked about how the guardians were so strict, and how they were barely able to even go past the food bowls. But that can't be true? Can it? No of course not the guardians weren't the best but they were trying to help!

I thought back hard through my memories, and if I read between the lines I saw exactly what they said. I felt upset, I never liked living here, I guess I just lied to myself so I could feel better. Because I was so good I was treated special, and anytime someone brought something up about it I shot them down, was that why everyone avoided me? I remembered getting special privileges, and I heard what the others said behind my back. I never noticed what they were. I did not really care, but they called me the guardian's golden girl, even Tundra would say that when she got fired up.

After thinking about this long and hard for the rest of the evening I crept back through the caves, and hid under the log in the pond, Tundra came a few minutes later, and I said I was going to. She acted like she was annoyed by this and angry at me but I could tell she was secretly relieved, I felt bad for leaving everyone else here, but if too many dragonets were missing they would get suspicious, besides there was not room enough for everybody under here. I knew they carefully counted all the nightwings and rainwings every night, probably because they had the most opportunities at sneaking out, I hoped that this coup would not cause them to count everybody though, giving them no hope for escape.
I glanced at Tundra wondering if she was having the same thoughts, but she was staring intently at the guardians cave, and sure enough some guardians came out to count the dragonets and close everything up. I saw Tundra bolt out the second they had their backs turned, I did it much less gracefully and hit my head on the log and stumbled while getting out, I saw the guard swiftly turn around and see me and Tundra and start to yelp, when all of a sudden a nightwing dragonet I think i've seen before launched himself at him and soon the whole dragonet cave was rioting about something they did not even know what happened. I wondered who it was, when I turned to follow after Tundra, I saw her looking back conflicted.

"This is our chance we have to go!" I said though I also wanted to go thank the nightwing.

"No you don't unde-" she was cut off as some more of the guardians came, swift as a seal she climbed the tree nearby the pond making herself as small as she could.

"Aureus what are you doing here?" asked Wholphin, who just as his name reflects was a seawing-icewing hybrid. As I believed the icewings were allies with the seawings in the war currently.

"Oh err- hey.. Um I got scared? And I ran away from the fighting, I'm so sorry for getting too close to the guardians cave, please forgive me!" I whimpered, dipping my head in respect to him a little.

"Oh no, it's ok! Just stay here while we break up the fight ok?" he said before following after the other guardians.

Tundra dropped down from the tree and I heard her mutter something like, sniveling obedient snails. I paid this no attention, it worked after all didn't it? We bolted up to the top of the nursery where the guardians cave was, the oldest crankiest guardians stayed up there, and were shocked and outraged to see us barging in. I had hoped for it to be empty. I was prepared to open my mouth and find some excuse for us to be up here. Maybe after we could escape.

But right as the guards came up to stop us the words got frozen in my mouth, I stared petrified, and then Tundra shot them all with the frost breath freezing them and began fighting.

Thank you for taking the time to read!

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