Chapter 6

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Exhilarating, surprising, and dangerous were my favorite things, and this is exactly what I felt. I surprised myself by jumping into battle, but it seemed so natural.
My movements were fluid as I whipped my tail around and clawed the other dragons, they were standing between me and freedom! I built up all the coldness inside of me and it burst out of my mouth spraying the den with an icy chill. Aureus glanced around in horror of what I had done. I paid no attention and dipped my bloodstained claws into the water before snatching a key from one of the guards.

"Why did you do that?!" protested Aureus clearly upset but still followed me as I clicked the key into the boulder's keyhole and started to push it open.

"They were in my way," I said simply with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Half of them are creaky and ancient though," hissed Aureus.

"They all looked ready to attack Us, why shouldn't I have attacked them?" I grumbled and got frustrated with her already.

I glanced outside, it was so... big...

Aureus who was still complaining looked outside to and instantly shut up, it was just so... so... I just can't describe it. It was so different! There was no special caves for each tribe, nor a big fireplace in the middle, it was sort of like a thin jungle area that reminded me slightly of those pesky rainwing's den.

"W-where are we?" asked Aureus after finding her voice again.

I silently cursed myself for not bringing a map, and tried to picture the map in my head, though pieces of paper usually made stuff look so closer together.

"The icewing kingdom is that way!" I said gesturing towards the north.

"Woah no kidding! The ICE kingdom is in the north! What a shocker!" laughed Aureus obviously trying to make light of the situation.

"North west at least from where we are I think," I said, doubting myself.

"If we can't find them, who do we go to?" asked Aureus.

"I dont know..."

"What about the seawings we are allianced with them,"

"I guess it could be worse,"

I took a deep breath, I had room to fly! Actually fly! I glanced down the mountain, would I get seriously hurt if I fell? Don't think just do, I remembered Orbit Controller, he always said flying was like freedom to him, moons I miss him. Would it actually feel like freedom? Worth a shot. I hesitated for a little while longer, Aureus launched herself into the air flying awkwardly and flapping her wings frantically, barely staying airborne. She kept glancing down almost as if she expected to see the fireplace below her dangling tail or dragonets laughing.

"Heh, this is actually kinda fun!" she said as she attempted to do a flip and merely hit herself with her tail and talons, "Come on Tundra! Our kingdom awaits!"

It was good to see her excited about what meant so much to me. I spread my wings and leaped off, and I fell flailing hopelessly, my wings felt weird, I never used them, I guess they were too weak to hold my weight and I got bashed into the tree, and landed with a thud on the ground.

"Are you ok?" yelped Aureus diving down, of course, she always did stuff so easily. Lucky. I pushed the resentful feelings away almost immediately and tried again. This time I got the hang of it, I still felt awkward and strange, sort of like writing with your less dominant hand for you humans.

But we were going home! To the ice kingdom!

An Icy Prisonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें