Chapter 4

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I waited for her eyes to widen and her to be delightfully surprised, all I was met with was a frown.

"What's this awesome plan?" Aureus asked, looking doubtful, not taking it in completely, she was slow like that.

"Look, you know the cave with the log where we would play hide and seek in, and how you always blended in perfectly with the water? Well what if you and me hid in the pond under the log and sneak into the guardians' den when they close off the dragonets area then we steal the key!" I said excitedly.

She looked at me skeptically and slightly horrified, "What!? We can't run away! Why? We are safe here! There is a War inside!"

"Well-" I started before realizing she was right, still I was stubborn and continued, "Well how much longer until someone finds us here huh? And besides we are basically prisoners! We should be out in the war helping our tribe!"

"We should not run away though, they have worked so hard here, it makes us seem like we are bratty little dragonets, and I Want to stay here, besides no offense but... your plan sort of sucks, they would catch us definitely!" she protested, ugh she was such a goodie two shoes!

"Are you hearing yourself!?" I hissed in a sharp biting tone I always did whenever someone did not agree with me, "We should not be here! We should be with our tribe! I don't care what they did for us, I want ONE thing and that's FREEDOM! They have NO right to keep us here, you hear that?!"

Aureus winced slightly at my tone but argued back, basically being a goodie two shoes, moaning something back about how nice everyone was, and how we could leave when we were full grown, which we could not, we just had to grow up and work here!

Why was she being so stubborn, this place was a prison plain and simple, there was nothing for us here, this was getting so frustrating! Why was she resisting so darn hecking much!? Why does she care!? It made perfect sense to me, maybe the plan could be better, but why should we be grateful at all for letting them keep us captives! If there was a war we should be helping our tribes not waiting around underground while the war slaughters our tribes, maybe even our families!

And not just that, I wanted freedom, the freedom to do what I wanted, no matter what nobody thought! I always felt helpless, even in this conversation, nothing I did or said changed her mind in the slightest! Why can't she see as I see it!? It was so unfair! I felt my anger boiling up inside of me, every single thing I hated about this place every tiny detail came bubbling out at me as we kept squabbling.

I got tired of listening to her moan and stormed out, shouting that not everybody is the guardians golden girl! Obviously this conversation was lost on her ears, if she was going to be their perfect golden girl that's Fine by me, but I am going to go out and live in the world, and nobody, not even Aureus was going to stop me.

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