Chapter Two

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Sometimes it's hard to believe that I met Rebecca, Jules, and Elise only a year and a half ago, considering how close we all are.

Consider it a dream come true, because one of the reasons why I decided to attend graduate school—other than for the education—was for the chance to make friends with some like-minded people. I've always had an easy time making friends, but I never felt like I had a solid group of girls to hang with. So even though I had this goal in mind, I had no idea I would get so lucky as to meet these three girls.

The four of us are sitting in my living room, drinking wine and fizzy drinks as we shoot the shit about whatever is on our minds before we head out to celebrate Elise's 25th birthday.

We've done this dozens of times over the course of the program, and yet each gathering is just as special as the last.

Jules lifts herself off the couch and holds up her glass. "I'm going for a refill. Anyone want anything?"

"Top me up with some more lemonade, please," I request, handing over my cup.

I don't need to tell her where everything is. All our supplies are laid out on the kitchen counter, but besides that, Jules lives here. We've shared this apartment together since last September. Jules asked her supervisor for the contact information of her cohort and reached out to us over the summer before we started school. Elise and Rebecca had already found apartments with their boyfriends, but I was all too pleased to take her up on the offer. We were a perfect match, personality-wise, and it was both of our first times moving out of our childhood homes. Jules is from a small town a few hours west of Toronto.

That's not to say that me and Elise or me and Rebecca wouldn't also be a good match. Our dynamics are almost too good to be true, and we each have special relationships with each other, and yet are equally close.

I go to Jules for support. She's my biggest cheerleader.

Elise comes to me for advice and when she needs to be talked off a metaphorical ledge.

And Rebecca and I lean on each other when it comes to our academic anxiety.

"I can't believe this is our last semester," Elise says as she pops a pretzel into her mouth.

"I know. It went by so fast," Rebecca agrees. She's sitting on our oversized armchair with her legs crossed underneath with a glum expression on her face. "Or maybe that's because the first semester of last year feels like such a blur."

Jules retakes her seat on the couch beside me and hands me my now full glass. It's not the spot she usually sits in when it's just us two, but Elise is sitting there right now.

"Gals, do we have to talk about school? I'm pretty sure there are tears in Harlow's eyes," Jules says, playfully knocking her toes into my foot.

No tears, just a bit of dust. Okay fine, maybe I'm a tad emotional about this. These girls know me too well. This is our last semester together, the full stop. I'm continuing with my PhD in the program, so I'll be staying on, but it's the end of the line for the other three. They're graduating with their master's. Not too shabby. I'm excited for wherever they end up, but it hurts to picture myself going through the program without them.

"I'm all for talking about something else," I volunteer, repositioning myself on the couch. Tea shall be spilled. "What's the latest on all your love lives?"

Yes, I'm the nosy one, and yes, they still love me.

One by one, they groan good-naturedly but share. Rebecca and Miles are steady as always, having been together since high school. Elise and Jake are debating about which pet to get; she wants a dog but he's more of a cat guy. So naturally, I suggest a hamster. And Jules, my fellow singleton, is swiping away on the dating apps without much luck.

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