Chapter Ten

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I've related to a lot of Taylor Swift songs in my life, but I don't think any lyrics have applied as literally as these do in this moment: Now I'm lying on the cold, hard ground.

My ass and my hands have caught my fall, so I'm not quite flat on my back, thank goodness. I remain motionless, partly because I'm afraid to assess the damage by moving my limbs and partly because I'm so freaking embarrassed. I haven't heard Angelo's Rover pull away yet, so there's no way he didn't see me slip ten feet in front of him.

Case in point: I hear the engine cut and the distinct opening and slamming of the car door.


"I'm fine!" I call out, cringing.

Whoever first said, physically, I'm fine; emotionally, I'm scarred is a damn genius.

As graceful as a feline, yet as large as an ox, Angelo jogs over to me, successfully dodging all the patches of ice, of course. The irony of him being a hockey player and stepping over the ice isn't lost on me.

He crouches until we're almost at eye level. He scans me from head to toe and my stomach tightens.

"What the hell happened?"

"I slipped on some ice and bruised my ego."

The corner of Angelo's mouth twitches.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad."

"Then why are you smirking?"

Now I'm grinning, too.

"Okay," he concedes. "Once I saw that you were generally okay, I guess it was a little funny."

"Glad I amuse you."

I half expect him to make a joke about falling for him, but for both of our sakes, I'm glad he's not that cheesy.



"Do you need some help getting up?"

"Let me try on my own first."

Even though his muscular arm is outstretched in front of him, and his large hand is very appealing, I need to see how badly I'm hurt.

It's not until I've put all my weight on my right knee that I feel the pain. I wince.

"Your knee?"

"Uh huh."


Angelo stands upright.

"Hold your arms out," he instructs.

Firmly yet gently, he grabs me by my underarms and pulls me until I'm gingerly standing on my own two feet.

"How's that?"

"Fine, I think."

I bend my knee. "Never mind, not fine."

"Can you walk?"

I shake my head.

"Are you okay if I carry you inside?"

I laugh. Angelo doesn't.

"Oh, you're serious?"

"Only if you're okay with it."

Well shit. Angelo looks at me expectantly. I nod, because I don't know how I'm going to make it to my apartment otherwise, and also because I actually wouldn't mind being cradled against his chest. But we're not admitting that aloud, no no.

Angelo takes a step towards me and his subtle scent fills my nostrils.

"Put your arm around my neck." His words are soft, but assertive.

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