Chapter 4

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Vixen POV

Still Ava's 10th birthday

I drove to the school to pick up the girls while I left everyone else to get the dinner started. With aunt Sara in the kitchen, everyone had no choice but to listen to what the woman said, and she didn't mess around when it came to Ava's birthday dinner.

Thank Goddess I'm the one picking up the girls and don't have to deal with Aunt Sara now.

By the time I pulled up to the school, Ava and Valentine were sitting outside with one of the teachers waiting for me. I parked the car and headed toward them.

It didn't take long for Ava to notice me and for me to notice that my daughter was upset.

The first thing I wanted to do was raise hell about why she was upset, but that all changed when she wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into my stomach.

I looked up at the teacher waiting for her to speak but it seemed like the woman was scared to say anything.

"Queen Vixen, one of the teachers would like to speak with you before you leave."

"Why is she not out here then?"

"Um she's one of the new teachers we have, that came from America, so she doesn't know that we have a Queen here."

This caused me to let out a growl because I wasn't informed that anyone new was coming into my country, and my people at the border know to inform me of such things.

I kneeled to Ava's height and cleaned her face.

"What happened today in school?"

She looked over her shoulder at her friend before speaking.

"The kids in our class were being mean to Val and I stood up for her and one of the boys pushed her on the floor..."

I looked over to Valentine and saw that she was holding her head down.

"What did you do Ava?"

"I pushed him away from her and he fell into the desks breaking his arm... I'm sorry mommy, I didn't mean to push him that hard, I just wanted him to leave Val alone."

It seems like her vampire side is kicking in faster than I'll like for it to, but it's nothing I can do about it but teach her how to be gentle with humans when she is upset.

"The new teacher didn't do anything when she saw the boy push Val, so I had to do something, Mommy you told me to always do what is right."

Her eyes started to fill with tears, and I knew she thought she'll be in trouble for what she did, but if I'm being honest, I'm proud of what she did.

I cleaned her face and hugged her close to my chest.

"Don't worry princess, mommy will handle it."

She nodded her head and I called Valentine over to me as well.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Just the back of my head, but she wouldn't let me go see the nurse."

I couldn't stop the growl that left my lips again. What the hell kind of person they hired to be treating students this way?

Either way, I was going to deal with her, and she was going to learn the rules of my country. I looked at the teacher that was standing there with them causing her to take a step back from me.

"Where is this teacher?"

"She's waiting in the office for you."

I didn't say anything else and just walked past her with Ava and Valentine's hand in mine. Everyone that saw me bowed their heads as I made my way to the office.

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