Chapter 5

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Vixen POV

During the weekend the girls had the time of their lives, and I was happy that Ava enjoyed herself, even if it meant driving around town and stopping whenever she and Valentine saw something they wanted to do.

Even though I'm not sure who had the most fun, the kids or the adults because Emily, Evelyn, and Aunt Sara acted as if they were the kids' age as well, which left me being the only adult in the group, I still enjoyed myself as well.

Now it's Monday morning and the girls are eating their breakfast while I sip on a glass of blood. I've been slowly back feeding my beast again and she's been calming down but one wrong word to Ava and it's like a newborn vampire ready to tear into anyone they get their hands on.

"Okay girls, get your things, it's time for school."

They both left the table, but Valentine stopped in front of me causing me to look down at her.

"Ms. Vixen, can I leave my new things here for when I come back over... I don't want my dad taking them from me."

I wanted to question her about her dad, but I knew it wasn't my place to do so, and just nodded my head. Something wasn't right with that man, but Valentine was always healthy and happy, so there wasn't thought of abuse there.

I just hope I was right on that one because I don't know what I'll do if I was wrong.

The girls ran to the car with me following behind them. I made sure they were buckled up and head off to the school, where I also have a meeting.

The drive was of the girls giggling and sharing secrets that I'm not supposed to know, so I acted as if I couldn't hear them and kept my focus on the road.

When we got to the school, I made sure Valentine was in her class and made Ava come with me to the meeting since she was the person that broke their kid's arm, which I am still proud about.

Before I walked into the office, I stopped at the door hearing the voice of the man I remember stopping from harassing Kegen the time I laid eyes on her.

I knew this was going to be fun and I knew he wasn't expecting me to be here today.

We walked into the office and the teacher I had told to set the meeting up was standing in front of them and I could tell she feared them. Thinking of it now, I never got her name Friday.

"I demand to know who called us here and have the nerve to have us waiting."

"There is no need to demand anything, I am right here, Jason Pierce."

He froze in place looking at me and I can see the sweat starting to build up on his forehead. For a man with such power, he sure is starting to sweat a lot.

"You're the one who wanted to meet with us?"

"Yes, I am."

I looked down to see that their kid is sitting next to the mom with a cast on his arm. He looked at Ava and moved closer to his mother. A small chuckle left my lips at him being afraid of Ava.

"It has come to my understanding that you used your wealth to threaten a teacher that works in MY country."

"I- uh I didn't do such things."

"You're telling me that Ms.- "

"Layla Black."

"You're telling me that Ms. Black is lying about you telling her how you could end her career if she didn't let your child do as he pleases?"

He stayed quiet and looked between me and the teacher, I'm guessing trying to come up with another lie.

"Answer me when I am speaking to you?!"

"Yes ma'am, I did tell her that."

"With that mindset, you got your son's arm broken by my daughter because he chose to pick on the wrong person.

Listen to me well Mr. Pierce, I can end that little business of yours and make sure you'll never be able to start up a new one in anyone's country and I'll personally kick you and your family out of my country."

"He is just a child Queen Vixen."

I growled at him for using that as an excuse for his son's actions. Without them doing anything about it now is just letting this boy know he can do whatever he pleases and to whoever.

"With that dumb-ass mindset of him just being a child is telling him he does not have to pay for his actions. What will happen when he is an adult and doing worse than this, then what?!"

Mrs. Pierce looked at me with tears in her eyes, as if that was going to make me go easy on this family. I don't care about their tears, when they use their little power, they do have to put fear in people who can't stand up for themselves in fear of losing everything.

"I know my child was in the wrong for breaking your son's arm, but he had it coming picking on a little girl that couldn't defend herself against him.

Mr. Pierce, this is my last warning to you and your family, and the next time I won't be so nice. As for the punishment for your son's actions, he'll spend 2 hours after school with the janitor helping clean for the next 3 weeks.

As for your actions alone, I'll be expecting a donation for the school's new library of $100,000.00. You have a week to have that to the school or I'll be making a visit to your workplace."

I didn't wait for a reply from him and grabbed my daughter's hand taking her to her class. From the corner of my eye, I can see my daughter smiling and I knew she was trying not to laugh.

I never knew why she got a kick out of me going into Queen mode on people, but it was funny seeing Jason about to piss himself.

Once we were at Ava's class, she thought it'll be a good idea for me to stay during her class, which left me speaking with the kids about my job and what I do as Queen, and when Ava will become Queen next.

I tried my best to answer all the questions, but I couldn't answer some because I wanted Ava to have her privacy.

By the time I was leaving, it was time for the kids to go to their next class, even though Ava begged me to take her home with me which I couldn't do because she knows how I feel about education.

With one look she knew I wasn't going to change my mind and followed the rest of the kids to their class.

With the rest of my day, I took the time and spent it outside the castle next to Kegen, enjoying the air. Sometimes I catch myself crying because of the empty feeling in my chest, on days like this I am happy that Ava is at school.

That way I don't have to control the emotions that I bundle up whenever she is around.

The longer I sit here the more tears I can feel falling, I can't remember the last time I truly cried out for my mate. My beast pain plus my own is starting to become too much for me to handle.

I can feel the color of my eyes change into hers, and my fangs grow longer, I knew my beast was coming out and I knew she was trying to take all the pain herself but no matter what I was still going to feel that emptiness that is filled with nothing but pain and yawning for a mate that is no longer here with us.

I stared at the headstone of my beloved, wishing this was all a nightmare that would go away, and we'll be raising Ava together.

"Why my love? Why did you leave me? Why couldn't you accept the gift that I was trying to share with you? You left me broken, and I don't know how long I can go on without you."

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