Chapter 8

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Sweet 16 part 2

I don't know how long I sat out here in front of her grave, I just know the sun was coming up and I felt like someone was squeezing my heart causing pain that I cannot explain.

Every time I thought about my mom when I was younger, I never felt the pain I feel now, I just know that I used to get upset and become sad because she was gone. Now, it's like this pain in my heart came all at once I don't know how to handle it.

I can feel my body starting to shake along with the tears that have been falling for some hours. Everything around me seemed to go quiet and the only thing I can hear is the sound of my heart ripping.

On many birthdays I always wished that she'll show up one day and tell me that it was all a bad dream, that she was never gone, and that I was my two-year-old self that was having a nightmare.

A few hours ago, I knew she was never coming back, and everything wasn't a nightmare. I clench my heart as if the pain was physical and getting worse.

I felt like I couldn't move and called out to my mommy, hoping she'll hear me and come running like she always did.

I knew Kegen was my mom, but I wanted my mommy, I needed her to take this pain away. I didn't like it and it was starting to feel like I couldn't breathe.

It took a while for me to notice that she was kneeling in front of me and calling my name.

"What is wrong Princess? I'm here."

"It- it hurt... my heart."

She looked at me and then behind me and I am sure that the rest of my family is standing there.

"I don't understand."

I took some deep breaths to try and calm myself, but it felt like it wasn't working.

"My heart feels like it's breaking physically, please make it stop."

She still looked lost but pulled me into her arms and held me tight. The contact helped ease my breathing, but I was still feeling the pain in my chest.

"How long have you been sitting out here?"

"All night I think, I don't really know. After she showed up... I couldn't get myself to move."

By this time everyone was standing in front of me, including Val. I had forgotten she stayed the night.

"After whom showed up Ava?"

"Momma Kegen..."

Everyone stood frozen in place, and mommy pulled away looking at me with wide eyes. No one knew what to say, and I'm sure they think I have lost my mind, but I know what I saw, and I can still feel the kiss she placed on my cheek before leaving.

"Princess...You sure you weren't sleepwalking again?"

"Mommy I know I saw her."

I looked at the headstone, hoping that she'll show up again and let them know I wasn't losing my mind.

"I was sitting here like I did every night telling her about the day as always. I was telling her about you, and my birthday. How it'll have been 14 birthdays without her, and how you keep telling me to give the moon Goddess a chance, but I can't when she caused you much pain.

I heard a voice that said, "She's right, the Moon Goddess is a good person." A glowing light came, and she walked out with a smile on her face."

I was lost in the memory of the last few hours that passed, and the sound of her voice as she spoke. I haven't heard that voice in over 14 years.

The Next Heir (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant