Chapter 10

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Vixen POV:

When I was sure that Ava and Val were gone and couldn't see the things, I was going to do to the man who put his hands on the woman he claimed he loved, or any woman for that matter. It's one thing to do it in the countries that don't care about this matter but to do it in my country is punishment by death.

Emily and Evelyn were standing behind me when I knocked on the door. Everything in me wanted to bust the door down and run in and snatch the man up by his throat, but I didn't want to scare Val's mother.

After waiting a few seconds, the door was pulled open halfway and I could see the slight scar across her cheek that looked like it just finished healing.

I felt a growl getting ready to leave my lips, but I fought it back down to keep from making her slam the door in my face, even though that wouldn't stop me from getting inside their house.

"Your Majesty!"

Before she was able to pull the door open more, I heard the heavy footsteps of Mr. Jankins, and not long after Mrs. Jankins was snatched away from the door.

"Didn't I tell you not to answer the fucking door!"

A smack was heard not too long after.

I pushed the door open more, making it hit the wall behind it. I'm sure I caused the door to go through the wall, but that wasn't my focus.

I grabbed him by the neck squeezing tight enough to cause him some pain but not enough to kill him just yet.

I learned my lesson by keeping the people alive who caused trouble. I cleared my head and let out a loud growl at him.

The fear rolling off him was causing me to lose control, it had been a while since I last took another's life and the thrill I was getting from this was something I was starting to enjoy.

"How dare you put your hands on a woman with me standing there?! You've been in my country long enough to know the rules of it!"

The sound of him choking and trying to speak caused me to squeeze my hand tighter around his neck.

I dropped him to the floor and waited for him to get himself together.

"Answer me?!"

"I didn't know it was you at the door, Your Majesty."

"So, you think that makes it okay if it wasn't me standing there?!"

I slapped him across the face with the back of my hand the same way he did to her but twice as hard.

I could hear Emily and Evelyn helping Mrs. Jankins behind me, but my attention stayed on Mr. Jankins.

From the looks in his eyes, I could tell he wanted to do something else to her but was too scared to make a move with me standing in front of him.

He looked me in the eyes with a glare and nothing but hatred. I got to give it to him that he stood his ground and didn't back down, but that was going to be the last thing he did.

"It could have only been the bitch of a daughter of mine that told you what was going on here. I told that b-."

Before he could say it again, my hand was landing on the other side of his face giving him the same mark as before.

Val might not have been my daughter, but I looked at her as if she was Ava, and I'll never let anyone disrespect the people that I care about.

"I was going to give you the chance to explain yourself and see if there was a way around this mess you caused, but now I have changed my mind, and I am sticking to the law I've put in place.

Your punishment for your crime is death."

You can see the blood drain from his face, and he was standing there looking paler than the vampires that were standing in his home.

"Evelyn, take Mrs. Jankins outside and close the door behind you."

The last thing I want to do is cause this woman to have nightmares because of me.

Before he was able to take a step back, Emily was standing behind him, keeping him in place for me.

"I was going to make your death painful, but as my aunt told me, I need to start back drinking more blood, why not start with yours?"

I snatched him by the neck once again and sunk my fangs into his neck. I wanted him to feel every pain of my fangs going into him and draining every drop of blood from his body, so I didn't use my venom.

The taste of fresh blood hitting my tongue caused me to let out a satisfying growl.

The sound of his heart was starting to slowly fade from my ears, and the sound of his screams was now only whimpers.

By the time I pulled my fangs from his neck, his body was cold as ice, and he was limp in my hands.

Just for satisfaction, I snapped his neck, causing Emily to shake her head.

I shrugged my shoulder and left her there to get rid of the body.

When I walked outside, I could see Evelyn trying to clean up the cut that was on Mrs. Jankins's lip.

As I walked toward them, I pulled out my phone and sent a message to Ava, telling her to be at the house when I got there.

I'm sure Val wanted to make sure her mother was okay, and I was going to give her that.

The only thing that I was worried about was how she would feel after knowing I killed her father. Some may hate their parent/parents, but once something happens to them everything changes.

I placed my phone back in my pocket as I got to them.

"Emily is going to get rid of the body for me, you can stay here with her and help."

I turned to Mrs. Jankins, finally getting a good look at her, and everything in my body froze. The feelings I never thought I'd feel again were rushing toward me all at once, but I fought them back down, not wanting to feel like that ever again.

The last time I felt like that, I lost my soulmate.

Evelyn cleared her throat causing me to snap my head toward her.

"Is everything okay Your Majesty?"

I nodded and turned back to Val's mother.

"I'm going to have to carry you back to the castle since I made my daughter and Val take the car."

She nodded her head, and I lifted her bridal style. The tingles I felt as I lifted her up almost made me want to place her back on the ground, but I told myself it was only until we got to the castle.

I made sure she knew to hold on to me tight and took off running at vampire speed. I can hear her heart rate increasing and her grip on me tightening more.

Once we made it to the castle, I waited a few minutes to make sure she was okay before placing her down in front of the door.

Before we were able to get through the door, Val threw herself at her mother, holding her tight and apologizing.

I left them there to be alone and made Ava follow me to my office. The last thing I wanted to do was be around the woman who caused me to feel things I never thought I could again.

When we made it to my office, Ava hugged me and thanked me for saving them both.

I hugged her back and took in her scent, along with the perfume of Kegen's that Ava had been wearing since I allowed her.

"You're welcome, my princess."

I let go of her and took a good look at my daughter, now that she has grown up, she looks even more like her mother.

How am I supposed to accept the bond of another when the one I had with Kegen was still there? How can I allow myself to love another when my heart still belongs to her?

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