Chapter 6

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Vixen POV

Ava's now 15

I woke up from the little rest I was having to the sound of Ava screaming in pain. I used my speed to get inside her room. In the middle of her bed is where she lay, sweating and screaming for help.

By the time I grabbed her, everyone was standing in her doorway. I knew what was happening and I had to act fast.

I had finally told Ava about who her father was and what was going to happen to her a few months before her 16th birthday. She was scared and I promised her I'll be there with her every step of the way, but she was more worried that she'll hurt someone.

So, I took it upon myself to make a special room for her, I had to make sure I had the right cuffs for the bed to keep her from getting away because we do have humans working for us in the castle and I knew Ava will never forgive herself if she hurt one of them, so this was the only choice I had.

We made it to the room with Ava still screaming in pain, I had Emily help me cuff her to the bed, and made Evelyn go grab a few bags of blood.

After we had her cuffed to the bed, I sat on the side of her wiping the sweat from her forehead and pulling her hair from her face.

"It's okay baby, mommy's here. I got you."

I allowed my cool hand to rest on the side of her face and she snuggled into my hand, and I let out a sigh of relief, that she was starting to calm down, but I knew it wouldn't last long.

I took that chance and opened her mouth to see that her fangs were still pushing through. I watched as they came fully out, and her eyes snapped open.

The hungry look in her eyes told me I did the right thing by bonding her to the bed. I grabbed the bags from Evelyn and used one of my nails to cut them open.

The smell of the blood caused my mouth to water, but I knew I had to control myself for Ava.

The smell of the blood was causing her to lose control again, but I knew I couldn't give it to her right away. She needed to learn how to control her thirst.

"Once you have calmed down and relaxed, I'll give it to you."

She looked at me with pleading eyes, but I had to stand my ground with her. She was becoming something that can kill a human in a blink of an eye, and she needed to learn how to control herself.

Once I was sure she was calm, I placed the bag to her lips and watched her drink every drop that was in the bag.

With 2 bags of blood down, she was more relaxed. This was also the only chance I had to make Ava a part of me, to make sure she had my bloodline running through her veins.

The only time a vampire allows another vampire to drink from them is if they were forming a bond, close to death, or if they are their mate. This will be a bonding for me and Ava.

I used my nails and cut my wrist placing it over Ava's mouth, I hissed when her fangs sunk into my wrist, while she was drinking from me, I lift her wrist to my lips sinking my fangs in drinking a small part of her blood.

I closed the wound and pulled my wrist from her lips. I cleaned her face up and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You're going to be okay Princess; your beast has finally come."

I uncuffed her from the chains and laid on the side of her allowing her to snuggle into my chest. That's one of the things I'll always love about Ava, no matter how old she gets she still likes snuggling with me.

She was going to sleep for a while because her beast took a lot of energy from her, even though she is now one of us, she is still half-human, and she was going to need to get at least 5 hours of sleep throughout the week.

This was another thing I did without Kegen by my side, and I felt the hurt fill my chest at the thought of Kegen missing this moment in Ava's life.

I truly do hope that she was watching over Ava in some way. Ava was turning into a beautiful young woman, and she was starting to look more and more like her mom. I'm sure she knew that as well because she stayed looking in the mirror and smiling to herself with her mom's picture hanging from it.


Within a few weeks, Ava had the hang of things, and it was only a few times she tried to attack one of the human workers. After she calmed down, she apologized to the young man and made him a cake to seal the deal.

When Valentine was over, Ava was scared she was going to hurt her but that didn't stop Valentine from running into Ava's arms as if she hasn't seen her for a lifetime.

When she was sure she wasn't going to hurt her, she hugged her back and let out a sigh.

"I can't believe you finally turned, I was worried when I didn't see you at school, mama Vixen forgot to tell me."

They both looked at me and I raised my hands.

"That was Aunt Sara's job, not mine."

With that said I left them alone and headed to the office. I had some paperwork to fill out and I needed to make sure the new houses and apartments were coming along well.

Many people were starting to come over here and I knew we needed more places for people to live. I'm still not sure how they are finding my country, but I think I like that they are.

I'm sure with more humans coming over, other vampires will be able to find their mates soon. Many have gone years without finding their mate and I for one knows how hard it is to go on without finding your soulmate.

While I was in the middle of going over the papers on my desk, Ava came running into my office with Valentine behind her.

"Why do I feel like you two are up to something?"

Valentine looked at anything but me, while Ava was giving me her pleading eyes.

"What is it, Ava?"

"Valentine wants to become a vampire like us when she turns 18, and I told her you are the only one that can change her, and we'll have to ask you. Can she mommy?"

As I said they are always up to something.

"I'll have to speak with her parents about that, but ask me again when you are 18 Valentine, that way I know you have thought about it."

They both cheered and left out of the office with smiles on their faces. Ava and Valentine remind me a lot of me and Emily when we were growing up and we did the same thing.

I finished off the paperwork and headed out of my office, going to spend the rest of my day sitting next to Kegen.

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