Chapter 7

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Ava's sweet 16 part 1

It's only a day before my 16th birthday and everyone has been running around like crazy to make sure everything was perfect.

Normally there'll be a party for everyone to come, but I wanted to do something different, and I was happy when my mom agreed on letting me do what I wanted it.

We were having a ball like party for my 16th birthday, and it was through invitation only, and I made sure to write everyone's names down that I had invited and gave the list to my mom who passed it along to the guards.

I did it this way because I didn't want any of the bullies from school showing up at my party and causing trouble, and I didn't want Val to feel uncomfortable either, since she's been the one, they have been picking on even though I stand up for her.

My mom made sure I had a makeup artist and hairstylist here for me and Val. In everything I did, I always made sure to include Val.

Since she had turned 16 before me, I surprised her with one of the cars my mom had for me, and I filled it up with almost any and everything I can think of for her.

I knew she always wanted a car, but her parents wouldn't get one for her, and she took her driving test at the same time I did, and we both passed.

When her birthday came, I waited to see if her parents were going to do something for her, and all they did was give her a cheap gift card and sent her to school. That day I knew she had been crying and I begged my mom to allow us to skip that day because I wanted to cheer her up.

Val is like my big sister, wait no, she is my big sister and I'll do anything for her, just like I know she'll do anything for me.

Once my mom gave me the okay to miss school that day, I had the driver take Val and me to breakfast, and we did a little shopping, even though I had been shopping for her the day before, but it was to only make her feel better about her birthday.

When we made it back to the castle, I led her to the garage and placed the keys to a new BMW 8 Series. She looked at me like I was crazy, and I just chuckled.

"I know you wanted a new car and I wanted to give you your first one. Happy Birthday, Val."

She hugged me while sobbing on my shoulder and I hugged her back gently, I was still scared I'll hug her too tight but did my best.

"Thank you, Ava."

"You don't have to thank me; this was always going to be your car."

"Now, Vixen, why you couldn't be like that when we were growing up."

I looked over to see my mom, Aunt Emily, Evelyn, and Sara standing there watching us from the door of the garage.

"Back then not many cars were good enough and we were faster on feet."

"Anyways, look inside Val."

She opened the door and let out a gasp and covering her mouth. The car was so full that some of the stuff was starting to fall out.

"Goddess, Ava, what the hell did you buy."

"Mommy gave me a free day to buy and spend as much as I wanted, and I used it all on Val."

Aunt Emily shook her head and started helping Val take the stuff in the house and up to my room which I still share with her.

"I officially know Vixen never loved me as a best friend."

I laughed at Aunt Emily and hugged her from the side.

"I'll always love you."

"See Vixen, you are now replaced."

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