Chapter 1

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Being The world's leader daughter is really hard..specially when you think about love, everything is Forbidden if you make one slight move the whole city will talk about you.. sometimes I wish I was never born as sultana..there's so much stupid rules.

My brothers and sister would gladly disagree with this, they love their lifes, specially my brothers since they all wanna be on throne and they all know that will happen one day, except for my youngest brother chihahgir, he just wants to find true love and be with her.

It's also hard when you're mom is constant target of everyone in the palace, everyone always blames her for everything bad that's happening... specifically Aunt Hatice, ever since her husband was killed by my father she went crazy, she tried killing my mother every day after Ibrahim's death  but ofc never successful. Then Aunt Sah came and helped Hatice with it, I'm glad Mahidevran is no longer here, I don't hate her but it's not good for my mom..

I was never on best terms with Mihirmah, she always thought she was better than me cuz she is older but we try to be good for out parents.

There's also one more brother Mustafa, Ik it sounds crazy but I always loved him even tho my mother tried separating me from him I just couldn't let myself that..I loved him too much..and well it gets ever crazier :)

I'm sorry this is very weird but if u like it leave a comment lol

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