Chapter 7

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Today is the day that I'll see Mustafa again...I tought to myself as I stared at my reflection in the mirror while brushing my hair. I got up from my bed and put on a purple velvet dress with long sleeves, I looked at myself in the mirror once again before putting on a purple Christal neckles along with earnings that match, I placed a crown on my head and fixed my hair, I then smiled at myself in the mirror "pretty" I whispered before putting on a fluffy shawl around my shoulder and walking out of my chamber.

Me, mom, dad and Mehmed meet up in garden and entered the carriage, Im in carriage with my mom while dad and Mehmed are in separated one. The ride to Edire was 5 hours long and the whole time I was thinking about how to feel about Mustafa having child, I mean I'm happy for him but it still hurts me but at least he is happy, my mom didn't look very exited, probably because she will see Mahidevran again. After 5 hours we finally arrived and in front of the palace Mustafa and Mahidevran were waiting with smiles on their faces, we got off the carriage and walked up to them. "Welcome, I hope you had good and save travel" said Mustafa, I smiled as I look at himz finally I'm able to look at him again, he grew a beard and I like it, he looks really handsome " we did and thank you" I said before bowing, I could feel my mother's eyes on my and she wasn't happy, while we were walking in the castle my mom pulled my arm and stopped me, I looked at her confused "Hieren what did I tell you about Mustafa" I turned to get " mom I just-" " no I said you can't get close with him, if I see you talking with him again we are going home" she said angry before walking in castle, I literally just thanked him and smiled how is that bad ughh.

I entered the castle and joined everyone in one chamber, there layed a women with child in her arms I can only guess it is Fatma hatun..I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her, I glared at her as I remembered all thing she did to my mother, she tried killing her by burning her face....I was surprised she did get death word or was moved to old castle..but then again no one likes my mother so they probably didn't care. I didn't realized I was staring at her until Mustafa spoke "Hieren welcome" I blinked surprised and looked at him "oh right sorry" I quickly walked over to my mom and stand between her and my dad, and the naming baby ceremony dad named the baby after him...Suleiman..I was shooked when I heard that but my mom was angry shook but she kept her anger down, I could see from the corner of my eye that Mahidevran was smiling and Mustafa as well, Mehmed didn't seen to care alot.

After naming the baby and having little chit chat Mahidevran walked me to my chamber since we will be staying here for few days "here you go Hieren I hope you like it" she smiled as we walked in the chamber, I looked around " it's really nice, thank you" I smiled back before taking off my shawl and placing it on bed, "I'll go check on Fatma" she said before leaving and I nodded and sat on bed looking around for a bit before hearing knock on my door,I quickly got up "come in " I said and The person walked in, it was Mustafa, I looked at him a bit surprised "hello" I smiled a bit before bowing and he gently took my hand in his and pulled me in for a soft hug Wich I returned and lay my head in his shoulder taking in his Rose scent, he wrapped his arms around my body and held me " I missed you" he whispered and I smiled "I missed you too" we stayed in hug for some time before pulling away and looking at each other in silence, I stopped the silence by saying " I didn't know you are with Fatma..." he just nodded and looked down "you know she tried killing my mother Mustafa...that doesn't bother you? Not even a little ?" I asked getting a bit angry, he looked up at me "no it doesn't Hieren, she was just following her orders" " I don't care if she did or not Mustafa...she still Burned my mother's face, she would do even more if Zumbul didn't stop her" I started tearing up as I remember the horror and pain my mother went through, As he saw me cry Mustafa placed his hand on my cheek and wiped my tears off with his thumb "don't cry..." I sniffed and looked at him again " if my mother's slave did that to your mother you would rip her head off" He looks very angry "Hieren enough, you know what your mother did to mine and me!" I stepped away " What!? What did she do Mustafa! She just wanted to save her children and her love for our father! She fought for it! Your mother did horrible things to mine Mustafa! My mother did nothing but insult her" i said raising my voice, Mustafa now looked very angry " I always had to watch my mother cry because if what Hurrem and Suleiman did to her!" He yelled " it's not her fault Suleiman fell for another women Mustafa! Stop being so childish! At least ur mother had Valide and Hatice on her side! My mom has no one but her children" I yelled back, Mustafa then angrily walked out of the chamber and I started crying it's so hard to be good with him when he hates my mother, I thought to myself before sitting on the ground and hugging my knees.

Some time after the fight me and my mom decided to relax in garden so we sat on tarace , it was really nice outside but I couldn't hide the sadness on my face because of the previous happenings, my mother looked at me worried and placed her hand on my back "Hieren? Is everything alright? " I looked up at her and nodded " yeah everything is fine I just had fight with Mustafa " I said before looking around and enjoying the view " about? My mom asked " it's not important mom don't worry " I smiled at her and she smiled back "alright then"  suddenly we here shouting  "PRINCE MEHMED! HOLD ON PLEASE!" I jumped when I hear scream, me and my mom quickly got up and ran to the castle, when we entered we saw slave carrying Mehmed in his chamber "Mehmed..." I gasped, I could feel myself tearing up as I ran to his chamber "Mehmed!!" I started crying as I saw arrow sticking out of his back , my mom started screaming and crying, everyone was in shock , I ran to his bed but my father stopped me " Guards! Get Hieren and Hurrem out of here! " The guards came " Suleiman no! " My mom shouted as they dragged us out, when we got out I suddenly couldn't feel my legs and I fell to the group crying but Mahidevran quickly catched me, I looked at her with tears in my eyes " Mahi- Mahidevran "crying " they're trying to kill Mehmed " I cried more, she suddenly hugged me and rubbed my back " shh everything will be fine Hieren don't worry" my mom suddenly pulled me away from Mahidevran "don't touch my child! You and Mustafa are probably the reason that this happened!" My mom yelled at her " Mom please stop" I said "Guards! get Hieren in her chamber now!" The guards took me to my chamber and I just fall asleep on the bed.

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