part 41.

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  Few weeks have passed since Mustafa was born, and I was happy, I am happy I can finally hold my son in my arms. Of course miss my other son but I know he is in good hands.

  I took Mustafa in my arms and gave him the bottle, he is old enough to drink out of bottle now and its easier for you as well.

  As I fee him the bottle I started noticing some of his features I didn't notice before, he had Mustafa's eyes, his nose and his eyebrows, I started tearing up at the tought of Mustafa. I missed him, I wanted him to be next to me more theb ever, to see his beautiful son, to rause him with me so we can finally have family.

  Mustafa fell asleep so I placed him on the bed and covered him with the mini blanked Francesca made. I made my way to the window and looked outside, it was grey and cloudy "Guess the winter is coming" I said before closing the curtains and walking over to the table and sat down.

  I looked down at all the empty papers on the table and wished there was a chance for me to write a letter for Mustafa. I wanted to write it so he doesn't think I forgot about him, even tho he moved to another world I still fekt guilty for not writing him a letter. Maybe it was delusional, no it was definitely delusion, but I dont care.

  I picked up the writing fetter and diped it in ink, I slid the piece of paper in front of me and started writing.

Dear Mustafa,

Im so sad you can't be here with us, we will you, our son will grow up into a prince and you won't be able to see it. Ge looks just like you, I named him after you just liked you wished for. Its hard for me to write this without crying because I need you by my side, you left this world way too early and in very unfair way. I will be waiting for the fay that I die with a smile on my face so I can be able to see you again. Or maybe in another life, in different situations we might be together and no one would hate us for it. Im never going to forget the love that you gave me, the happiest that you caused, you opened bright door in my life and gave me hope, you gave me Beautifull son to take care of me and be a leader. I loved, love and will always love you, I won't stop no Matter what.

Love, Hieren.

I read the letter again and again with tears in my eyes "My Mustafa" I whispered before hugging the letter close to my heart. "Why did it had to be this way" Suddenly the baby started crying so I put the letter back on the table, wiped my tears and walked over to the baby, I picked him up and gently swang him until he fell asleep again. After he did ,I placed him on the bed and layes next to him and fell asleep with him.

  The next morning was cold, it was freezing cold and I was shivering. I opened my eyes and immediately checked on Mustafa, he was still sleeping, I covered him with one more blanket before going to the window, I looked out and saw that it was snowing, luckily we had fireplace and there were few woods inside of it, I grabbed two sticks and made fire with them. It was warm again.

  Francesca walked in the house with tray of food "Hello" you smiled at her and hugged her after she placed the tray down "hello dear, we need to talk" she told me in serious tone so we both sat down and started eating. "So, I have to go back to Italy next week" I stopped eating and looked up at her "why...did something happened?" She shook her head "I miss my family, I want to go back to see them" I didn't know how to react, it was very sudden and I didn't know this day would come "I will give you all the food and access to my kitchen and needs but I just need to go, she said and started tearing up "Im sorry" I widened my eyes and walked over to her side hugging her "hey dont cry, the family is most important" she nodded.

  I was cleaning the house and Francesca was playing with Mustafa, she then picked him up and walked around a bit "oh? Who wrote you a letter?" She asked and I smiled "I wrote it for my dead boyfriend" I chuckled "it says To Hieren tho" I dropped the towel I was holding "what...." I walked over to her and she handed me the letter, if really said to Hiere. "Allah...." I was confused "read it",  Francesca said and I nodded.

  I opened the letter and started reading it

To Hieren,

I received your letter my love, Mustafa is a very beautiful child and he will grow in into a strong leader. Im sorry that you have to live a life like this because of me and my mistakes, Im sorry that I cant conform you like a true husband should. But ill always be by your side no matter what happened because I love you, and even tho I can't be there with you physically Ill always be there as a spirit and take care of you and our son.

Love, Mustafa.

I dropped on my knees shocked "Mustafa" I cried,my hands are shaking and Francesca looked at me worried "Mustafa wrote to me" she stopped swinging the baby and looked even more confused.

  I got up and folded the letter then put it in my pocket, so it can always be with me. "Mustafa is still taking care of me" I whispered, Francesca probably thinks im crazy but I dont care.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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