part 39.

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  He sighed "it needed to be done...." He said and I shook my head "no. It didn't." I sniffed "you listened to your worker before your son!?" I yelled and he didn't look happy "Hieren Lower your voice " My father said angry.

  "No. You killed your own son, you took his innocent life, hiw can you stand here and act like nothing happened." I said while looking at him with blank stare

  "You dont know what he did Hieren" he said trying to defend his actions"He did nothing, nothing more than being an amazing son, he teeated everyone eith respect, he loved, he gave hope, his citu loved him, he was great son! Great brother! And great.." I stopped, I didnt say what I wanted to, I was still scared, I couldn't bring myself to do it. "And on top of all he was innocent, just like Mehmed was..." He suddenly froze and looked at me "dont bring Mehmed into this Hieren"he warned me.

  I shook my head in disbelief "you have tears for Mehmed but none for Mustafa? How can you even look at yourself in the mirror after what you did... HOW!!!" I screamed, I noticed him looking at my tummy in shock "what did you do" he asked me angry, I sidnt even had time to react, he rushed towards me and raised his hand, he was about to hit me but he stopped. I looked up at him in fear "you are Embarrasment to this family and me!!!" He screamed at me, I screamed in fear and covered my head with my arms, he stopped and rushed out.

  I stood there and didnt know what to do, or what was the right thing to do, I knew my father would never hurt me so this shocked me to death, my heart was beating fast, I was scared of what will happen next, but then I remembered Mehmet is still here. "Maria, take Mehmet to his room please" I said quietly and she did that. I looked down at my tummy  "I wont let anyone hurt you, its me, you and Mehmet against the world" I whispered and held my tummy while crying, I was so scared ill lose my baby.

  Few hours have passed and my mother walked in my room "get out" I said, I didnt even turn to look at her "Hieren we need to talk" My mother said and I turned "no." She sighed "If you dont choose to abort the baby you will be kicked out of this palace" she simply said and I chuckled "you can't do that, my baby is part od the dynasty its-" she interupted me "its forbidden child from a forbidden relationship Hieren, you should know better." She said simply and I shook my head "I'll leave then" She sighed more angry "Mehmet will stay here with us " "No. He will be going with me. I wont let you take care of my child and make him forget about me in few years, I know you well enough mother.." she put her hand up as a sign for me to stop talking. "The choice is yours " she said before leaving the chamber.

  I walked around the room, anxiety showering my body. "Sultana calm down, its not good for the baby" Maria tried calming me down "I dont know what to do" I whispered and she pulled me in hug, I hugged her back, I needed this, I've been through so much and a hug was all I needed "Maria, if I go, will you come with me?" I asked her and she nodded "of course Sultana".

  We made a plan to leave and sneak Mehmet with us as well, it was the right thing to do, but I couldn't just leave without saying anything to my parents...I mean...what if I never see them again? I went to my fathers chamber, walked in and found my parents having evening tea together. I bowed at them "hello" I said and my mother looked at me "Hieren, did you make the decision?" My mother asked and I nodded, my father didn't even look up, i sighed and started talking "mother, father, first of all I want to apologize for my behaviour, the things ive done were no where near Sultana behaviour and im truly sorry for ruining your and mine reputation." My mother nodded, she smiled a bit and looked proud "but Im not sorry for falling in love with the only man that deserved it. Im not sorry for giving this man all my love, my heart, my soul, my brain, my body, my everything. Im not sorry for carrying his child. And im not sorry for the feelings we had for each other. I've bever felt this loved my entire life, the love he gave me gave me hope, strength and happiness I never felt before him. I will never forgive you for taking that away from me, you took my life, you took my love, you took the only man i truly loved for the past 10 years!! Ill never forgive you! This child is the only thing I have left from him! And im not getting rid of my baby!" I said loudly, I couldn't help but to cry because memories of me and Mustafa flashed in my head. My mothers smile faded and my father stood up "GET OUT!!" He screamed and I ran out while crying.

  I ran to my room, Maria already packed out stuff and we were ready we just needed to wait for palace to fall asleep.

  Midnight came, I put blanked over Mehmets head, covering him and we sneaked out, the guards didn't noticed. We took one of the carriages and left. I was looking back at the palace sad, I couldn't believe I was actually leave, that I won't see my family any more, my brother's, my sister, the palace thats been my home for 25 years, its all gone and its time for the new start.

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