part 38.

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  I looked at my mother with fear in my eyes. "You're not doing this to me" I whispered trying to sound confident but my voice cracked, "darling its the best for you" She replied, I couldn't believe she was this cruel.

  We stood there in silence for a couple of minutes before I held my dress in my hands since it was too long and began running out of the room "Get her." My mother simply said and the guards held me by my arms, I screamed and started kicking my feet "LET ME GO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" The guards placed me on bed and the nurse tied my hands on edges of the bed "you can't do this! He is part of the dynasty! There will be consiqueses for you!" I screamed at her, I didnt wanted to pull that card or go that was but I did, I needed to protect my child "you are talking nonsense, thats child in forbidden!" My mother said "it has already grown too much for it to be considered an abortion, its a murder now!" I cries out "ALL OF YOUR HEADS WILL BE OFF YOUR SHOULDERS BY THE END OF THE DAY IF YOU EVEN THINK OF TOUCHING ME!!" I screamed on top of my lungs and cried, everyone stopped and i united me. I wanted to get off the bed but I was tired and hurt "You're not my daughter anymore Hieren...." my mother said and I looked at her "You have crossed every line there is....I dont aant to see you anymore. You are an embarrassment to the dynasty and to me!" She yelled before leaving the room. I just watched her go before bursting into tears again "Hieren, I think-" I cut Mihirmah off  "go. Please." I pleated before hugging my pillow and burrying my face into it. She left and I started crying again.

  I woke up after few hours, I wish I forgot all the recent events but no, they were all in my head, unfortunately. I sat up on my bed when suddenly Zumbul aga walked in my room "Sultana" he smiled and I looked away, I probably looked like a freak and I felt like one "what" I asked and he sighed "Our majesty is here" he said and my chest suddenly tightened, I stayed silent. I didn't wanted to see him, I wanted to forget about him, but he is still my father ....but he killed my one true love and....his son...."Zumbul aga....go" I told him and he left. I decided not to walk out of this room, it was too dangerous. I needed to protect my sons at all costs.

  I called maids in my room to bring Mehmet and they did, I locked the door after they left so that no one could come in, "mommy? Whats going on?" Mehmet suddenly asked "nothing my lion, everything is perfect." I replied and he sat on the floor and started playing with his toys. I decided to fix my appearance a bit so I dont scare my baby when its born. It was night time and Mehmet decided to sleep in my bed tonight "mommy? When will brother be born?" He asked curiously "soon my lion" I smiled and patted his head, he layed his head on my belly and I smiled "I will protect both of you" he said and I smiled. We stayed Like this for awhile before he fell asleep with me caressing his head and his head still on my belly.

  As he was sleeping I started thinking about the whole situation "oh love....I wish you were here with us" I said before sighing and looking out the window, suddenly Mustafa reflection showed in the window and my eyes started to water "I must be going crazy" I whispered before wiping my tears and placing Mehmet's head on bed and then laying down and falling asleep.

  The next morning we were woken up by the knocking on our door "Hieren! Open the door, its your father" I froze when I heard my fathers voice "grandpa!" Mehmet said exited and I got up and opened the door. He walked in and hugged Mehmet, I just stood by the window with my arms crossed "Hieren" he said with his arms open ready to hug me "don't come near me please" I said with warning.

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