chapter 5

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Everything is set, the wedding is is two days and everyone is getting prepared maids and mom are all over Mihirmah trying to prepare her for the wedding I help as much as I can but that's probably not enough. I decided to go checks on her so I went to get chamber and walked in, when I walked in mihirmah told maids to get out, I sat on bed next to her and smiled "how are you" she looked at me with obvious fake smiled " I'm so happy I could cry " I sighed " Mihirmah don't worry everything will be fine you just need to-" " Hieren I can't.. I can't marry him I..I.." she started crying and I was shooked "Mihirmah what do you mean!? You told mom and dad you were ready! Where is this coming from!? " I raised my voice a bit "I know but it was just in moment ok! I was mad at Bali beg so I said that! I'm not ready yet Hieren! " She cried " you have to convince dad to stop the wedding! " " Mihirmah are you insane!? Everything is already set! We can't possibly stop this " she did t say anything she just cried and I hugged her "shh it's ok..." .

She fell asleep after and I walked out of her chamber sad, I can't believe this..I can't possibly convince dad to stop the wedding...I felt so useless cuz I couldn't help her but she is the one who told dad that she wants to marry Rustem. I sighed before walking back in my chamber, when I walked in I changed into my night clothes and sat on bed I took off my necklace and rings and placed them on little table then lay in bed and cover myself with soft covers, it was already night but I couldn't sleep I was exited for tomorrow since Mustafa is coming, tomorrow is before wedding party and everyone will be there. I can't wait to talk to him again, it's been so long... I turned , layed on my back and stare at celling. Our mom never let us get too close with Mustafa ..she always tought he will turn us against her but that's not true he could never do that he is very kind and loving, I know that him and my mom have war between them but that doesn't affect me, I still love Mustafa and I'll never stop, I closed my eyes while thinking about him and that's how I fell asleep after all.

The next morning came and I opened my eyes and got up letting out soft yawn as I stretch I called maids to prepare me haman so i can take shower, I went to Haman and sat on marbel seat, I took the metal bowl, fill it with water and pour it on me. I washed my hair and my body and while I waited for my hair to try I ate some grapes and an apple since there was fruit bowl there, after some time my hair finally dryed so I went back to my chamber and picked a dress to wear, after choosing I ended up wearing this

 I washed my hair and my body and while I waited for my hair to try I ate some grapes and an apple since there was fruit bowl there, after some time my hair finally dryed so I went back to my chamber and picked a dress to wear, after choosing I en...

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(But instead of black and white it's white and pink) after I wore my dress I put on my rings and neckles and did my hair

(But it's brown hair color) I looked at myself in the mirror with big smiled on my face before walking out of my chamber and to my mom's, I bowed at her and smiled "mother" she smiled and she looked at me "welcome darling come here " I walked over...

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(But it's brown hair color) I looked at myself in the mirror with big smiled on my face before walking out of my chamber and to my mom's, I bowed at her and smiled "mother" she smiled and she looked at me "welcome darling come here " I walked over to her and sat next to her on the sofa "I really hope everything goes well today " I said a bit worried "yeah me too Hieren...but Mihirmah seems better today " I looked at her happy "really? She does? "My mom nodded "yeah she sure does" she smiled " the thing I'm not exited about us Hatice and sah are coming " mom rolled her eyes " and Mahidevran with Mustafa" I froze when she said his name "y-yeah they are, I'm really exited to see them I missed them " I said happily but my mom didn't like that, she looked at me weirdly " Hieren I don't want you near Mustafa or Mahidevran " I frowned " why!? I wanna see them! I haven't seen them in so long i-" " enough ur giving me a headache you can go" "but mom" "no more talking Hieren! I said you can go" I got up angry and left.

I got in my chamber and started crying "I can't believe she's not letting me talk to Mustafa ..that's not fair" I sniffed before wiping my tears "I'll just talk to him in secret then..

Celebration started and everyone gathered in my mom's chamber, my mom was welcoming the guests with Mihirmah  and I was siting on couch waiting while smiling, First Hatice and Sah sultan came, my smile instantly got smaller..I don't really like them but I still got up and walked over to them "hello aunties how are you " I asked before hugging them "we are good thank you " Hatice smiled before hugging me again and they sit by the table, then Mahidevran came in I smiled when I saw her, I honestly love Mahidevran alot she is really nice, she walked over to me with big smile on her face " Hieren!" She said before pulling me in a hug Wich I returned "Mahidevran! It's been so long!" We broke the hug and she looked at me " you grew up so beautiful " I smiled and thanked her before we sat down on sofa "how is Mihirmah? Is she ok with all this" Mahidevran asked sounding a bit disturbed as I shook my head "not really I feel bad for her but I can't help her..." I gave her a sad smile " is Mustafa?" I asked sounding unsure, she looked me and answered "he is great he found himself a nice girl that he likes " my smiled instantly disappeared"oh is that so?" I asked with voice crack "what's wrong?" She asked me worried "oh no nothing " I smiled, what is happening to me why did I got sad all of sudden ??? I asked myself then my mom came to us "Mahidevran " she smiled and sat with us "hello hurrem " Mahidevran said "um I'll go sit with Auntie" I got up and bowed "alright darling " my mom said as she continues to talk I sat down with Hatice and Sah and we started talking.

After some time I left my mom's chamber since my head hurt and I was tired, party was just about to finish anyway so its not a big deal, as I was walking to my chamber I saw Mustafa walking to my mother's chamber and I was just walking out if it.

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