Morning Of Christians Birthday

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I had woken up really quickly to make breakfast. Today was Christians birthday and I am going to make him breakfast. His light snores surrounded the room as I got off the bed. I walked to Teddys room and saw he was wide awake and kicking his legs. I picked him up out of his cradle and took him downstairs. I placed him in his pram and rolled him into the kitchen. I began preparing Christians breakfast when I heard a gargle next to me. It was Teddy. I picked him up and placed him in his high chair. I finished preparing the food as arms wrapped around my waist.
"What are you doing?"

"Your breakfast. Seeing as it's your birthday."

"Mmh. Smells delicious." I smiled.

"It has taken me an hour..."

"Not the food." I turned around in his arms. My gaze lifted to his face. His rough hair was stuck up, his breath smelled minty and his eyes were glowing. He picked me up and placed me ontop of the counter and created a pathway using my legs. He became between them." Do you know how mich you turn me on?" I bit my lip and he attacked my lips. His tongue darted across my bottom lip as he inserted his tongue and danced his way around my mouth. He took his shirt off and I took my shirt off. His hands explored my breasts and mine explored his happy trail.
"Christian..." He immediately stopped.
"I dont think we should do this now."


"Because I want to lose some weight and you wont get some tonight." His eyes clouded with sparkles and his face lit up. He lightly kissed my lips as he stepped back. I hopped off the counter and began plating up.

"Do you want eggs?"


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