My Decision

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I stared at him, dead on in the eyes and saw the admiration he projected across from me. 

"Christian, I know how much it is hurting you from being away from me, but believe you me this hurt thats hurting you is hurting me to. This hurt is because you lied to me, you didn't tell me about finding your birth mother and seeing what her past life was before you were even born. I thought I could trust you but..." Christian got down on his hands and knees infront of me and looked deep into my soul.

"You can trust me, I promise Ana you can. I will never lie, I will be completely honest with you." I looked down at my hands and blew a breath. 

"Honesty is the best policy. Christian, you can never lie to me again. It's not fair, we are supposed to be a couple, a team and you lying and not telling me everything is hurtful, I will always be here for you, we have been through the bad and the good together but Christian I don't know..."

"I know, I know that this is my last chance, I know that if I screw it up it will end in tears. But I want you Ana. I need you in my life." He stood up and grazed his hand across my cheek. He stood me up and kissed me. I had not had this in days, but we still had the underlying problem.

"Christian, you can't keep kissing me to prevent us from talking about it." He sighed and sat down on the couch.

"I found out that my birth mother was who she said she was. I found out that she is dead. But I found out that I have a brother out there." My eyes stared straight at Christian. A brother?

"What do you mean a brother?"

"From my dads side. Half-brother but still, he is apart of me. I have found out where he lives. He has a wife, Angela and two kids, Adam and Evie. My dad is long gone, he moved to Las Vegas and now owns a motel out there but my brother and his family are close by."

"How close by?"He stared at me this time and smiled. He grabbed my hand.


"Where my mom lives?" he nodded his head, surely it wasn't close but for Christian it was close enough. The door opened and in walked Theodore, he came barreling towards me and Christian. He came towards me and give me a big hug. Carrick came in with Phoebe in her car seat.

"Hows my baby boy?" I sat him on my knee and started to take his jacket off and shoes.

"Mommy look what I made for you and Daddy." He held it out towards Christian. It was a picture of our little family. But there was one thing that was added.

"Thats Daddy, Phoebe, Me and You."

"Sweetie, who is that?" I pointed to a small circle with a tiny dinosaur in it.

"Oh, thats my baby brother." I looked to Christian. Grace and Carrick laughed.

"You want a baby brother?" He nodded his head.

"I don't want to play dress up with Phoebe when I am older I wanna play Ninja Turtles." I laughed and so did Christian. 

"Well lets go play Ninja Turtles upstairs whilst I get you ready for bed." Christian picked him up from my lap and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. He took Theodore up the stairs and to his bedroom. 

"I assume you have talked?"Grace asked.

"Yes, we have talked about it and we have come to an agreement."

"Very well, well me and Carrick must be off, we need to go and sort the house out for tomorrow." She was just about to leave when I spoke up.

"For what?"

"Did Christian not tell you?" I shook my head.

"We haven't exactly been on speaking terms lately."

"Ah yes, we are hosting a summer ball at the house tomorrow, Christian has already said yes."

"Oh, we will be there, I will ask Mrs Jones if she can look after Phoebe and Theodore for the night."

"Splendid. We will see you tomorrow." I waved them out as Christian came down the stairs. I was just about to take Phoebe up the stairs when he took her off me. 

"I will do it, you have had a rough day, doing work. Go and run yourself a bath." He kissed my cheek and he went with Phoebe up the stairs.

What the hell? What had happened to my Christian? And where had he gone?

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