The Next Day

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LOOOOONNNGGGG overdue I know, I am so bad!!

Ana Pov

The sunlight streamed through the window, the rays catching the duvet cover. I opened my eyes and looked all around the room. The most peaceful sound surrounded the room.Silence. In a few seconds, that would be shattered. I counted down the minutes, the seconds, until that happened. And didn't. My brow furrowed. What was going on? I peered to the side and saw an empty bed. My hand levitated around the space as I combed my other hand through my brown cascading locks. My eyes felt droopy as I rubbed them to remove the sleep that loomed there every morning. I pulled back the duvet cover and sighed. My eyes closed and then opened as a presence loomed over my sleepy body. They landed on a virtual God. My hand reached out to touch the scruffy hair. I smiled and let my hand go as I removed my presence from the bed. I walked into the bathroom and began busying myself. I lay a towel beside the shower on the marble counter as I prepared to be woken up by droplets of pure freshness. I started the shower and headed to grab my towel. I heard a click as the bathroom door shut. I looked up in the mirror and saw him. I reached down at my towel as my wrist was pulled. I was pulled into an embrace, my head shaped into the crook of his neck. I breathed a sigh of safety. I was safe. At least I felt it. I remembered past events and shook my head. I needed to forget but it always loomed in the back of my brain. Why? Why did he do it? Was it because he couldn't trust me? Was it plainly because he didn't want to tell me? All these questions loomed into one subject. 

My subconsciousness headed over to the filling cabinet and pulled out a brown file with the name 'Christian'. There were several sheets tucked into the pocket of the file. She placed the paper she had in her hand labelled, 'Mother', and put it at the back as a reminder. Thats what is was a reminder. A reminder that I had to shove to the deepest, darkest parts of my brain, never to be seen again. I closed my eyes and thought of happier times and I instantly perked up. I needed to forget. Forget. I pulled back from Christians embrace and picked the towel back up, his hand was still enclosed around my hand and slid to my wrist, holding me into place.

"Ana." I looked up into his eyes and smiled. I stood up on my tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek. 

"Christian." He relaxed instantly.

"Are you okay?" I nodded but his penetrating gaze pierced my eyes.

"Christian. I am fine. Honestly." He stepped further into me. His scent engulfed me in a hug as he sighed. He pressed a kiss to my forehead as my eyes closed, thankful for the reassurance of love. 

"I worry about you, you know." My eyes looked into his as a frown appeared on my face.

"You don't have to worry anymore. I promise." His jaw clenched.

"I know but I still do. You are a strong, independent woman Mrs Grey and I can't help but want to protect you. It's in my nature. I want to perform my husbandly duties." I giggled at the sound of his laugh resonating around the room.

"I'm completely fine Mr Grey. Nothing to worry about. Healthy as a horse." He smiled at the use of my metaphor.

"Healthy as horse, eh..." He smirked and I laughed. He lifted my up and placed me on the counter. My legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer. "Lets put it to the test." His forehead touched mine as he leaned in. I looked up into his eyes as his lips brushed mine, my eyes involuntarily closed. My hand reached up behind and into his hair as my other locked around his neck. His tongue traced my top lip and his teeth bit my bottom. I leaned in more forcefully and pulled him as close as he could be towards me. Instead of our sweet, little kisses that are reserved for us in such intimate moments, this kiss was hot and heavy and full of want after last night. His hand brushed my lower back and I arched into his embrace. He picked me up and pulled my tight against him, his hands rested underneath my arse as he carefully stepped around the towel into the shower. I was fully naked however, he was not. He was fully clothed in his everyday clothes and now they were soaked as my hand turned the shower on. What was going to be a simple shower, where I could relax was going to be completely different. 

Half An Hour Later

I stepped from out of the closet and made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Gail cooking, Teddy and Phoebe sat in front of her. Teddy was sat on a chair at the counter, his breakfast placed in front of him as he nibbled on his food, making a face every time he tasted a bite. Phoebe was placed in her basket at the side of the counter, near Teddy. I carefully tiptoed across the floor as I came behind Teddy, Phoebes big eyes opened and she started to giggle a little. I grabbed the sides of Teddy's waist and lifted him up out of his chair, scaring him whilst laughing. I spun him round and cradled him in my arms.

"Mummy!!!" I combed my hand through his scruffy hair and placed him on my hip.

"Hey little man!!" His face turned sour as he looked at me.

"Mummy what 'ave we said about that word?" I looked at him questionably.

"I don't know buddy. What have we said?" His eyebrows raised as he took in my features.

"I am a big boy, not a wittle boy mummy." I laughed and so did Gail.

"Mummy's big boy." He nodded and cradled into my arms. I placed him back down on his seat and turned towards my actual little girl. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. I tickled her nose and turned towards Gail.

"Morning Gail." She smiled.

"Morning Ana. Theodore and Phoebe have already been fed."

"When did they get up this morning? I didn't here them, Phoebe normally cries and then Teddy comes barreling into our room." She laughed.

"Oh, Mr Grey requested that you be able to get extra sleep, he noticed how tired you have been so per his request I began to prepare food. I went to go and collect the children from upstairs as I heard Phoebe crying and found Theodore playing with his toys and I brought them down." 

"You didn't have to do that Gail, I would have gotten up."

"Nonsense you needed an extra hour sleep after last nights party." I smiled at her as she walked out of the room. I looked at Teddy and the Phoebe and drew them close to me as I thought back to when we didn't have children. 

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