Week Later

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Ana Pov

It had been a week since the fight with Christian, and I haven't seen him. He has been holed up in his office however I see him in the morning, brooding in the kitchen and then as soon as he sees me he walks out. Theodore hasn't got a clue what's going on and I don't intend to tell him, because to be honest I don't know what is happening anymore, I have lost any sense of power. 

Today is my day off of work and I intend to get a lot of work done from home. My eyes dart back and forth as I can hear something coming from outside the library door. I close my laptop up and go and investigate. There are petals all along the floor in a straight line - straight away I know the Christian is behind this but i want to se what happens at the end of the rainbow. So I follow. The lights are dimmed in the living room. I turn the lights fully on and see a table set up with two plates, roses, champagne and Christian.

"Christian, what..."

"I wanted to make a memory, I wanted to see if you remembered. I need you to know, Ana, how sorry I am for not telling you. Please hear me out." I look directly into his eyes and see him pleading, broken. I comply and move toward the table and sit down. He moves his chair around and sits next to me, grabs my hand and looks deep into my eyes. 

"Christian..." He places his hand on my face and lets it flitter down to my neck. He rubs the back of my neck and then presses me further towards him. Our lips touch. A butterfly flips in my belly as I reciprocate. I have wanted this for so long, I don't stop it...until I realise we need to be serious so I pull away. 

"Ana, from the moment I met you I never envisioned us to be together, after everything that happened between us. I can never lose you again. I know I can treat you better because any girl like you deserves a gentleman. I know how I have been acting around you has been crap, but I didn't want to tell you because I knew how much it meant to you to find my family and to make me feel better about my childhood because you knew it was crap. I needed to find her on my own, but that meant I had to lie to you and keep it to myself. I am so sorry, not being able to talk to you this past week has driven me crazy. I needed to give you space, the space has made me realise how much I love you, how much I don't love arguing with you, how special you are to me. I never want us to end up like this again, I never want to argue with you again, I just want to love you and be with you fully, fucked up life and everything that comes with it. I love you, i will continue to love you for as long as we live. Please Ana forgive me." 

This is the ultimate decision. Do i give him another chance or do I leave?

I am sooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I have been so busy but I will try to make time for my stories more, as I am on 6 week holidays from school. I am so sorry, I will update soon. Leave me comments on what she should do.

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