Slow and Steady

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This is looooooooooonngggggg overdue, I know.

Ana POV:

The sun came shining through the window and woke me up from my slumber, I pushed my head deeper into the pillow wishing to be back asleep again. I moved my hand to rest on my hip and came into contact with Christians hand. I turned over and sighed, I closed my eyes again until I felt a hand caress my cheek. My eyes slowly opened and saw Christian smiling at me.

"What?" I asked. His hand on my hand made its way down south and began to caress my nether region.

"Nothing." My eyes rolled as Christian dove into my panties and inserted a finger inside of me. My back arched as another finger entered me. 

"Fuck Christian, it's been so long." My teeth bit my lip as I roughly pulled trying the fight the sensation in me.

"I know baby, I know." He removed my lip from my teeth and kissed me. I bit back a moan as I pulled back.

"If we don't get up now then I don't think we will ever get up." I sat up.

"Maybe, thats the beauty of it." He pulled me back down underneath the covers and nibbled on my earlobe.

"Christian..."A loud crash sounded from another room. I quickly got up and put my dressing gown on and walked out the bedroom door into the hallway, were I heard a cry. Phoebe! I ran into her bedroom, Christian tailing behind me as I made my way over to her crib. 

"It's okay, Momma's here.Shhhh." I continued to rock her, Christian behind me kissing my shoulder. I turned round in his embrace and spotted Theodore hiding under a blanket on the chair, surrounded by pillows. I patted Christian. He turned and saw. He went to sit by him on the couch.

"Why you hiding little buddy?" Christian reached over to Teddy and pulled him closer to him, out from underneath the pillows and the blanket into his warm embrace.

"I didn't want to get told off." I looked over at Phoebe and saw that she was fast asleep again. I placed her back down in her crib. I walked over to the bedroom door and winked at Christian, leaving him to deal with Teddy.

10 minutes later

Christian came down the stairs, fully dressed. I was sat at the kitchen island, researching a newly found author.

"How did it go?" I asked. 

"He wanted to cuddle Phoebe, so he piled up boxes and the big crash we heard was him falling over Phoebes toys. He hid because he didn't want to get in trouble for waking the baby." I closed my laptop and continued to sip my cup of 'Twinnings English Breakfast Tea'.

"So what did you say?" He sat beside me at the kitchen island. He reached for my hand and traced circles on my palm.

"I said that there was no reason to hide, we forgive him and he should never be afraid to tell us anything."

'You are a good father Christian." He smiled and then pulled me up on his lap. I tucked my head in the crook of his neck and sighed. The doorbell rang, bringing us back to reality. Mrs Jones answered it and in came Mia. I got up from Christians knee.

'Mia, you didn't say you were coming."I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I just needed help with something." Mia pulled back to give Christian a hug and then proceeded into the kitchen. She grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and sat down on the kitchen island. 

"Is it so important that you have to bother us with it at 10:30 in the morning? Couldn't it wait until later."

"No it can't. I need Ana's help with something that does not require the presence of you." She looked over to me.

"What do you need help with?"

"Shopping for my dress for the party tonight. I have nothing to wear." I scoffed.

"What about that Chanel dress I bought you?"

"I can't find the right pair of shoes."

"The Jimmy Choos go great with the dress."

"I have already worn the whole outfit at an event, I can't wear the same dress twice, that is just suicide." Christian laughed. He handed me my handbag from the side of the island and gave me a quick chaste kiss on my cheek.

"Go and spend money with Mia, I will watch the kids."

"Great. Lets go Ana, we have a lot to do." She pushed me out the door.

"But Mia...I'm still in my dressing gown!!!"

9 hours later

I pulled the straps up on the slim black dress I had picked out and zipped the back of the dress up. I put on my Jimmy Choos and stood up. I glanced at myself in the mirror and saw Christian standing at the door.

"You look absolutely ravishing sweetheart."He came up behind me and embraced me, placing his head onto my shoulder.

"Where are the kids?" 

"With Mrs Jones, we should get going love if we are going to make it in time." I grabbed my purse from the bed and held it in my hand.

"Lets go."

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