Chapter 40

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It's the next day after the attack on Beacon as everyone is helping in cleaning up the aftermath of the battle. In Ozpin's Office, Ozpin alongside his Inner Circle and a few of the Pro Heroes are now having a discussion about plans for the future.

Ozpin: So with Salem's plan of retrieving the Fall Maidens a failure, she will get wind of this and make new plans.

Nezu: Indeed, and I believe you will send your people to deal with your mole?

Ozpin: Yes, right Qrow?

Qrow: Don't worry, once we're done here me and Jimmy over here will head to Haven and deal with Leo.

Aizawa: You better, who knows what he can spout out to Salem. Speaking of which, we also need to find the UA traitor, yet we have no evidence on who it is.

Nezu: We can have Ms. Branwen turn into her Raven form and scout out the entire School for anything suspicious.

Aizawa: That can be a good plan, we also have Jaune's summons if you remember from what he told us his summons can hide in anything with a light, which means they are incredibly useful for day and night .

Power Loader: That's a good idea we can have his summons keep watch 24/7 and alert us if anything we're to happen.

Nighteye: And what of the CCTS? Have you and David finished upgrading it?

Power Loader: Yes we have, the system is fully upgraded and people such as Arthur Watts won't be able to hack it.

Qrow: That's good, wouldn't want them sabotaging us again.

Ironwood: What of the Vale Council? Any word from them?

Ozpin: Thanks to Nezu over here, we were able to dig multiple evidences of the Vale Council's business dealings that could, let's just say remove them from office. As of this moment, they will not interfere with any of our business anymore and will increase our budget for Beacon.

Nezu: And I made sure he won't spend it entirely on Coffee. 

All Might: And what of our prisoners here? Should we leave them to your custody Ozpin or take them to Tartarus?

Nezu: That is still up for debate, but if all else fails we will set up a cell for them in Tartarus and make sure they are far away from All for One. But I believe you Ozpin can use them for information, after all. Adam Taurus is willing to reveal everything he has planned for the White Fang.

Ozpin: I see, I'll make sure I get the information from him.

Aizawa: You better, without Jaune and the others. It will have to fall on you and your Huntsmen to do this job, considering we were the ones that saved Vale and did a better job than you and your Inner Circle.

Ironwood: We'll make sure to get the job done, I promise you that.

Nezu: You better James Ironwood or else.

For some reason Ironwood just flinches at the tone Nezu gave him. He doesn't realises it but his legs are shaking in fear.

Nezu: Now then, I believe it's time we announce this matter to the students. Aizawa, Vlad please gather all the students and bring them to the assembly area.


Nezu called all the Hero Students that includes Ruby, Penny, and Team CFVY in the assembly area, joining them were Teams WBY and PNR. Why you ask? Well Nezu decided to have some fun with this.

Everyone now sees both Nezu and Ozpin up on the stage as the Beacon staff minus Goodwitch and the Pro Heroes are in the sides.

Iida: So what do you think the Principal and Headmaster Ozpin have for us today?

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