28 - nothing but fun

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I want the ground to swallow me whole and I want to die.

I'm so embarrassed.
Never ever will I be able to face Aaron ever again
This is utterly insane

I need to stop.

I'm freaking out.


I turn around to a beautiful yet really tensed looking face. Aaron brown are frowned slightly and his hair is messy. I wanted to just reach out and shuffle his hair. His arms I locked around me and his face is now in the crook of my neck.

My breathing increases as I inhale his intoxicating smell.

I sigh as the memories from last night hit me and I have the urge to got to the bathroom.

I look at Aaron one last time and then quietly slide out of bed and head towards the bathroom.

I haven't really realised until now but Aaron's room is extremely beautiful. It strangely peaceful yet disturbing at the same time.

I told at my self in the overly large mirror and I don't believe it me. My hair is all over the place and my eyes are puffy. My face is pale and my lips are dry. I'm also breaking out a little as there's some acne spot I can see.

I literately hate when I break out.

I wash my face with cold water and decide to head to my room since there's isn't anything in the bathroom which belongs to me.

I open the door and get a little shook to see Aaron standing right In front of me.

I nearly had a heart attack.

"What." My voices comes of a little too unbothered not exactly how I expected it too.

"I mean..." at this point I have no idea what to say.

I look into Aaron eyes and all I can see is confusion.

"Good morning." His voice comes out deep and husky which kinda worries me.

I don't think I'm hearing right did he just say good morning.

Oh wow
Yes he did
He's not okay

I try to give him a little smile but before I could I'm pushed lightly to the side.


Aaron rolls his eyes and closes the door on my face.


Im a little confused.

I kick the bathroom door even though I'm sure it didn't make any difference whatsoever.

I head out Aaron bedroom and Make my way to mine. It annoying how far my bedroom is from Aaron's.

And I think his done that purposely to stay as far away from me as possible.

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