The Story of the Grand Overseer. PT2

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Net collapsed. 

The new Fallen Knight's eyes gleamed with triumph, his blade shining in the darkness, the blood quickly washing off.

"Your destiny has been fufilled, Nectrid Ovrsin. You were meant to die since that blood contract was signed with Demon of Abyss, when you forsook us, your true voices. And now me and my kin will take our leave."

Net's blood turned a violent shade of grey. With a final breath, he spoke.

".r..av... don't.. lis.. en.. to ..stringer.. im.. .sorry.. i.. lov..."

His body went limp.
Rav could not tell if the water in his eyelids were from the rain or his tears.
The Fallen Knight dissapeared.

"..after we take your little friend."

The voice sounded behind Rav. A hand grabbed his arm and began to drag him backwards.
Rav's elbow, out of instinct, rammed backwards and clocked the Fallen Knight in the face.
As Rav ran towards Net's body, he could feel a sharp pain in his spine, like he had been stabbed. After that, he began to feel darkness creeping up on him, his eyelids closing.

Rav tried to grab Net, but his hand only caught fabric, the fabric of Net's solar eclipse-like hat.
The last thing Rav saw was a fuzzy body on the ground, and a searing darkness in his eyes before he blacked out.


Rav woke up in a small cell with magic bars. Two Fallen Knights were standing outside of the cell, chuckling at Rav's battered body.

"Hehe, man got broken by simple serum that young kin can make?"

"That pathetic, mate. Even young can do better than that."

Rav's pained eyes caught the small glasses of liquid in the Fallen Knight's hands, has they went back to laughing hysterically.
Rav tried to pull up his hand to see that his vision was still working well, but pain shot through his nerves as he attempted to move.

The only thing to remember Net by was the hat that was now on Rav's head.


It had been a day. Rav's body was still recovering.

It had been a week. Rav had started to mark his days on the wall.

It had been three weeks. Rav started to feel weak and sick.

It had been a month and a half. Rav mostly drew on the walls, and wrote little stories in a notebook he found.

It had been three months. Rav mostly slept during the day.

It had been five months. Rav was unknowing of what was happening outside.

In the forest. Deep in a bramble bush, was a tangled and bloodied body.
It had moved from its spot in the clearing a month ago.

Then, at once, it started to shake-
-then it went still.

A small sphere of goop-like liquid emerged from the body's open eye.

And it was looking for a new host.

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