A Very Merry Deal

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Rav was talking to Stringer about the details of their agreement. I know you probably don't know what that deal is. Stringer, sends Rav to Afterdeath's Abyss every Sunday in exchange for half of his Soul of Creation when he's in Afterdeath's Abyss. However, in Afterdeath's Abyss, Rav can visit Nectrid Ovrsin. Or, Voidmage. That's the deal.

"Look, I just want to ask something of you."

Stringer was intrigued. Rav had never said so much about something that he had already agreed on.
"So what do you want, oh best host?"

"I told you to not call me th- never mind. The detail was every Sunday, right?"
Stringer now wasn't as intrigued as he was bored.
"Yes. Why?"

Rav pointed to his calendar. Every Sunday was circled in a blue marker, with some other words and arrows on other dates. Although, there was one exception. Red and Green, the 24th and 25th of December. The 25th being the Sunday. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Stringer chuckled.
"Ah, Christmas. Another waste of space in these already too-short mortal's lives. What about it?"

Rav grabbed Stringer by the collar of his coat and said coldly,

"I want to be with him for both dates. All I need is you. So what do you want?"

Stringer phased himself out of Rav's grip and began pacing the room. Suddenly, he got an idea. Stringer pointed to Rav's chest, specifically near his heart.
"How about, while you're gone, I get an extra quarter of your soul. Or, I've got another idea."
Rav mumbled something under his breath. Stringer took that as a 'sure, what's your idea.'

"Or.. I get a sixth of your soul, full-time."
Rav stood up. He did not seem too enthusiastic about Stringer's second idea. But he still preferred it. If Stringer got three-quarters of his soul while he was visiting, Rav would barely be able to walk.

"A ninth. I've already given you enough."

Rav sighed.

Rav slammed his hand down on his desk.

"A ninth, and that is FINAL."

Stringer rolled his eyes.
"mortals.. no chill."

"What was that?"

But then, Stringer got a better idea.
"How bout', you give me an eighth, and after you visit 5, I can send you back to before the apocalypse. You can spend the last Christmas Eve and Day in the past, and spend time with your old pals and past love. You'll be able to speak, and won't be stuck looking like.. that."

Rav walked up to Stringer, and said one word.

"Done. It's the 22nd. 2 days."

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