The Story's End

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[Or.. its beginning?]

Rav sat in his cell. He found that writing small stories and poems took up the time well. By Nighttime, Rav was incredibly tired. He leaned over to mark another day on the wall, took off his, or Net's, hat, and tried to sleep.

Rav awoke, in a small glowing box.

"Hello?" Rav called out.

'But nobody came.'

'And soon nobody will..!'


"Who are you?"

'Open your eyes.'


'Open them to the truth..!'

Rav opened his eyes.

"Rav. Rav, it's me."

'Net? is that you?'

"You need to not listen to him."

'Who? That strange laughing voice?'



"You need to wake up now, Rav. I'll guide you."

'No, wait.. what's happening?'

"Rav, you're running out of time."


"It's coming. Wake up, Rav."

'Who? ''Stringer''?'

"rav.. wake.."

'Uh.. Net..?"



'you're too laate..!'

'it's me..'

'me, Stringer..!'

"wh- w- What did you do to him?!"

'oh, nothing. YOU did it to him.'

'Welcome, 6th Vessel!'


A Fallen Knight was trodding downstairs, into their dungeon.

"boy.. i hate having to do this. why did i have to get the night shift?"

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