Known Hosts

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-These files are designated to keep track of the known Hosts of the entity known as the Abyss Parasite. This file is the mastery, where all information on Hosts 1-6 is stored.-

-The 'Abyss Form' is what the Hosts are called when the Abyss Parasite takes full control.
-When in the Abyss Form, the Parasite has a habit to remove one's visual mouth.
-Stringer is the being that Hosts see in their dreams after being infected.
-A Darkened Memory is the item that the Abyss Parasite uses to attract a Host, and what the Host uses in their Abyss Form.
-A Euphoric Destruction is the bout of pain and suffering a Host feels when entering their Abyss Form.

-Host 1-
Host 1 is unknown, or all information has been destroyed. The only known information is that Host 1 is dead.

-Host 2-
Host 2 is unknown, or all information has been destroyed. The only known information is that Host 2 died in an insane asylum after the Abyss Parasite left its body violently.

-Host 3-
'Frozen Watcher'
Host 3 was a Quick under the leadership of the Fallen King. They were one of the eldest, being named 'Quick 2'. Host 3 secretly wanted peace and wanted to end the war that was killing so many innocents. They found a completely written Peace Treaty in the Iceville peaks, where they liked to relax. They became ecstatic when seeing it, quickly grabbing it, but that was the worst mistake they had ever made. After being infected, they stayed in the peaks, while the residents of Iceville were constantly kept awake by distant roars. The weather became even colder and windier. The Abyss Parasite could not stand the sub-zero temperature, and left their body peacefully. Host 3 left the peaks, to a completely obliterated camp. Host 3 is still alive, but scarred from their time in the peaks.
Was barely capable of speech in Abyss Form, speaking only in short whispers about its body and mind.

-Host 4-
'Broken Monster'
Host 4 was a Tower in the 17th Assault Division, named as Sniper36. He was noble, and always wanted the best for his friends. But he secretly missed his love, whom he was separated from when he joined the Towers. He vowed to see her again when the war ended, but when he found the locket that he gave to her before he left, cracked and broken, he did not know it was a trap. The Abyss Parasite turned him into a monster. His fists becoming bigger and more powerful, his dark shades being permanently etched into his face so that no being could see underneath. It began to roar and tear anything it could see apart. The Towers found and defeated it, which made the Parasite leave his body violently. Host 4 died a few weeks later, having gone insane.
Was not capable of speech in Abyss Form.

-Host 5-
Host 5 was a person completely unrelated to the Towers or Titans. Host 5's name was Nectrid Ovrsin, (often abbreviated as Net) an extroverted 21-year old who was infected at a very young age. As he aged, he gained access to his Abyss Form and his Darkened Memory, the Book Of Obtuse Knowledge, which both were given in the form of a 'gift' from Stringer. At the age of 19, the apocalypse began, and once his parents died, him and his boyfriend survived together for 3 years in the broken world. During that time, Net was taken over by the Abyss Parasite for his first time, and experienced his first Euphoric Destruction. That was the only time his love saw him in his Abyss Form, which used the Book Of Obtuse Knowledge as a spellbook to cast incantations originating from the Void. His love forgot about it anyway. Host 5 died after having his throat sliced open by a Fallen Knight.
Was capable of full speech in his Abyss Form. Only Host to speak in constant full sentences.

-Host 6-
'Darkness Overseer'
Host 6 was a human unrelated to the War, and ironically, Host 5's boyfriend. His name was Raven Wryk (Often abbreviated as Rav), and was infected in his sleep by the Parasite in a dungeon of the base of the Fallen Knights after Host 5 had died. His Abyss For-...
Was capable of speech in Abyss Form, but preferred to make eruptions of noise to incapacitate foes.

(Please note that this information was given by Host 3. Details may not be accurate.)
Stringer is a one-horned figure with patchwork covering his body. His eyes have red Abyss dripping out, and his hands have hundreds of strings attached to them. He wears a long coat, with oddly, all 3 medals rewarded by the Towers for defeating major leaders attached to his coat. He makes voodoo-like dolls of the Hosts, and appears in the Host's dreams to torment them. According to Host 3.. he apparently liked tomato soup.

Continue to Next File to see sightings of Hosts and a sketch of Stringer.

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