Lies My Parents Told Me

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She hated lying. From an early age it had been drilled into her by her parents and teachers. Lying was wrong, it was bad, it was a sin. Even though she knew and believed this, more than anything she hated how easily they could slip from her lips, lies that were sweet like honey and black like tar.

Did that mean she was a bad person? Lauren wasn't sure. She tried not to see it as lying; rather she considered it as more like omitting the truth.

Her mind conjured up the image of her old high school English teacher, standing at the front of the class with a knowing smile on his face. Someone had asked him if he though lying was ever acceptable. With a smirk he had answered, 'Sometimes not telling people anything is a good thing.' Which, in hindsight, Lauren now realised was an incredibly creepy response for a high school teacher to make.

It had made little sense to her at the time, she had always been told not telling the truth would get her in trouble, but now she understood what Mr Richardson had meant. Sometimes the truth isn't a good thing, sometimes people don't want to hear the truth, and sometimes the truth sucks.

Today, she had already been asked by Ally, Normani, the hotel receptionist and for some reason a homeless guy outside Starbucks, what her plans were this evening. She didn't want to lie but not telling people anything is hard to do when you're asked a direct question.

Her, 'Not much,' felt like dust in her mouth, burning truths leaving ashes of lies caked on her tongue. It choked her so much worse when nobody even questioned her.

Knocking for the third time on Camila and Dinah's hotel room door, she heard the muffled yell of Camila, 'Two more minutes!'

She allowed the extra time, it was difficult finding an outfit that looked good but also disguised you from being recognised. Lauren was in ripped skinny jeans and an oversized sweatshirt, teamed with her favourite dark Ray Bans that were currently perched on top of her head. It wasn't exactly date-wear but they were running on limited provisions and this was the best she could do for ice-skating in central park.

She had never been ice-skating and neither had Camila. An image of Camila tripping up earlier over her own feet caused her to knock again, 'Wear something padded!'

She heard Dinah snigger and caught Camila's, 'Excuse me while I die laughing.'

'Can I at least come in and wait?'

'No! You're not supposed to see me before the date.'

Camila seemed to be confusing everything date related to weddings. Lauren let it slide mainly because she found it entirely endearing.

Just as she was about to tell them that she would wait in her room, her name was bellowed from down the hallway. She turned quickly to see Alex storming towards her.

'I need to talk to you.' The blonde stated, anger seeming to radiate from her in waves.

Lauren panicked immediately; her heart seemed to halt in her ribcage. Did she know? Had she somehow found out about them? No, she couldn't have, they had been so careful.

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