Chapter 46

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Freen's POV

I decided to travel to US. My doctor once said that she has a friend who can help me with what I'm dealing with my sickness.

I'm now at the hospital looking for a name of Dr. Supappong. When I found his office I was so nervous to knock but before doing it he already opened the door.

"Ohh, why don't you come in? Hmm, don't be nervous, I won't bite." Dr. Supappong said and he opened the door widely.

"Have a sit. Ms. Sarocha, right? My friend called and she said that you're coming. Call me Dr. Saint." He said.

"Uhh, yes Dr. Saint. I guess she already gave you the details. I'm here to know what can I do to avoid these headaches but specially those stress." I said.

"Well it depends on who or what gives you stress." He said.

I started to tell him everything from the accident until today's event. From my ups and downs. From my lonely life to living with my love.

"So basically Ms. Becky is the reason why you wanted to get well? Not for yourself?" Dr. Saint asked.

"Well mostly for her but some part of me wanted to change for my future and that includes her." I answered.

"Do you want to surprise her by not telling her everything you wanted? You know I had a patient who did the same as you did. But it ended up with a failure. When she went back to her lover, the latter already has someone. My previous patient ended her life. I don't want to repeat that to my other patient, you." Dr. Saint told the story.

"I trust Becky, she'll wait for me." I said.

"Well, you know I have this therapy where you can heal together. It'll be great if you're with her to gain confidence and also you could use some inspiration while getting well." He said.

"It's okay, it's only a month. I'm sure she'll wait." I said confidently.

"Okay then. Let's begin." He said.

*Somewhere in Thailand

Becky's POV

It's been a month since she left. Everyday I kept on waiting for her. I left her phone where she left it so if she comes back she can call me. I've been busy with work but just modeling, did some photoshoots but not acting since she might come back anytime. She might get jealous again for having another partner in acting.

I was invited to a party with P'Freen's gang at P'Noey's bar. They didn't tell me what's the occasion they just said that I should attend this party. It's a must to go. They also said that I should wear something nice, so I chose to wear a white and pink dress.

*At the Party

I went inside the bar and look for P'Nam. She may be hate me from hurting her bestfriend but I'm still close to her because of P'Sheng.

"Oh good you're here! Come on, let's go. It's about time. Someone needs to see you before she gets crazy." P'Nam said while dragging me in front of the stage.

"What? Who? Huh?" P'Nam left me there in the middle.

I tried to look around but all the lights are shining on me and I can't see who's around me. Then a music played and a familiar voice started singing. She came out to the stage and it's her.

"P'Freen" I said out loud.

I need somebody who can love me at my worst.

No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth.

I can see and hear it from her voice that she's nervous. Oh no. She'll might stress out if she's nervous. But nevertheless she sang till the end of the song.

"Becky, my love, I want to take this opportunity to say to you that I'm back and will never leave you again. I'm sorry if had to leave you alone. We needed this for the best. I left because I wanted to improve my self. I wanted to cure my self for our future. So now I'm back, do you still want to be mine and to be my future?" She said with overly confidence.

"Yes, ofcourse! I'm still yours, silly!" I shouted since she might not hear me.

She hurriedly went down from the stage and hug me tight. She kissed the top of my head and said "I missed you a lot."

"It's your fault, your the one who left and now your saying that you missed me." I pouted and pinched her side.

"Aww. I'm sorry. It's for the best, right?" Finally she kissed me on my lips. And I kissed back.

"Ahem! Aww. My baby girl is not a baby anymore." I heard my dad. Then all the lights went on.

"Mom, dad, Richie? Grandma? Aunt jaja and P'Oaey? Guys?" All of our families and friends are here.

"Wait! P'Freen! I told you to call me first when you arrived! It was clearly written in the note under your phone!" Now I'm mad at her for not calling me first.

"I'm sorry, Honey. I had plans. Well technically I called P'Nam using a telephone in the airport. And she called the rest." P'Freen explained.

"Argh! I hate you!" I pouted and put my arms in front of my chest.

"Please don't hate me. Come, I'll explain everything" We went upstairs for privacy.

She explained everything to me and how her therapy went. She said that she won't be having headaches from now on and can now control herself from stressing out.

"P'Freen, I also need to be honest with you." I said.

"No way, you didn't find another lover right? She cut me off.

"What are you saying? How come I'll find someone to replace a perfect lover for me? Anyway, Aunt Jaja told me about you wanted to meet a psychologist in US. So I waited for you. Didn't you see our son at our house earlier? We've waited for you everyday and everynight." I confessed.

"Well, I also wanted to say that I've been dying to see you. I almost went to US to surprise you but you grandma told me to just wait and your getting better. By the way, its been a week since your grandmother is staying with us at our mansion. She was fond of Bonbon."

"Yes I knew everything. They gave me a quick review of what happened when I was gone. What took you so long to come here, my love?" She asked.

"I'm not in the mood to party and mingle. I've been faithful, P'Freen." I said and rolled my eyes.

Knock~ Knock~

"If you're done talking, come downstairs and eat. Nam and grandma are owning the dance floor." P'Noey said with her handsome smile.

P'Freen and I both laugh at the last sentence she said. We went downstairs and it's true grandma still got the move. After eating, P'Freen ask me for a dance. Then a romantic song played, she put my hands on her neck and hers are on my hips.

"Honey, you look so beautiful tonight. I really missed you a lot. Every single day I've been thinking about you. Please don't ever doubt on us again." She said.

"Babe, I won't. I'm sorry. Dad and mom explained it to me already. We need each other to grow and heal. We're meant to be together." I said.

She kissed my lips slowly and I kissed her back. We've been dancing for so long now and finished the song. I asked P'Freen.

"Babe, can we go home now and have our 'honeymoon'? I missed you so much! I can't wait any longer." I said. And she grinned.


Author's Note:

It's kind of boring right? I'm sorry, will be busy for few days. But I'll ask something, comment your answers and suggestions, okay?

A FreenBecky reality show or A FreenBecky movie?

It's for the next chapter.

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