Chapter 22

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In the following days our portions are cut smaller and smaller until we are surviving on very few calories a day. Everyone notices this but no official announcement is made. Those from the camp, who have grown up with times of less food and more, take it quite well for the most part. They don't seem more than a little agitated by the situation. But those like me that grew up in Eximius are suddenly finding their bodies in shock.

My stomach growls loudly as I sit on the bank, watching as my friends fish. There are groups of fishers spread in different areas of the river, most gathering in small groups to talk as they work. Normally only a small group would be assigned during chore time, but with the dwindling fish populations it's taking longer and longer to catch anything, so the leaders have been assigning extra groups throughout the day to try to compensate. It's not a job that can be done without powers, so the nonmagics are off the hook. But I like to go anyway when I can. It's interesting to watch the others work.

Ahead of me, Maddie watches the water as it ripples in the breeze. Focusing intently, she freezes a fish in its tracks and pulls it up in a large bubble of water to the surface. It's a small one, but it's the first one we've seen in over an hour, so it's a victory nonetheless. Everyone cheers and Maddie grins proudly, sending it flying into the bucket Josh is holding up, the water sloshing over the sides.

"Watch it," Josh says, sending more water gently into the bucket. "You'll lose all the water and suffocate it."

"Who cares?" Maddie shrugs, "We're gonna eat it anyway."

"That's exactly why we should care," Josh insists. "This fish is giving its life for us. The least we can do is give it a comfortable end."

"I agree," Xavier adds, smiling at Josh. "Be more careful, would ya, Maddie?"

Maddie groans but I see a smile playing at the corner of her lips.

Just then Sienna rushes over, out of breath. She was one of the few powered that got out of helping because of the nature of her abilities. "What am I going to do, torch them?" she'd asked her mom, when she was assigned to the first round of fishing. She hasn't been asked to help since.

Instead of hanging out and watching with me though, she spends her time with Wren, who cares too much for the fish to see them caught. Sienna, who never seemed before to give a second thought to the fish as anything other than food, is suddenly their biggest advocate, insisting that she is offended by their use in our diet and unable to watch. That's why I'm surprised to see her there, but before I can say anything, she grabs my arm, practically dragging me away before I can react.

"Come," she pants. "Quickly."

I exchange a bewildered look with Josh as she drags me away, stumbling as I run to keep up with her.

"What is going on?" I ask between breaths. She doesn't answer. We stop at the center of camp where there's a large tree stump that I've noticed, but never seen used before.

"What are we...?"

"Just wait," Sienna says.

Suddenly the bell chimes across the camp. I frown. We just finished lunch less than an hour ago. My stomach grumbles in hope. Maybe they found more food and are calling for a second lunch? But even as I think it I know it's not true.

A crowd begins to form behind us, gathering around the flattened stump. "What is going on?" I ask Sienna. "Why are they ringing the meal bell?"

"It's not a meal bell," Sienna rolls her eyes. "Sometimes I forget how little you know."

"Thanks a lot," I say.

"It rings at meals and anytime there is an announcement. I guess we just haven't had one of those since you've been here."

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