Chapter 29

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"This way!" Josh calls to me, ducking between some buildings just as some citizens emerge behind us. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as we slow to a walk and creep toward the clearing, glancing in all directions. Despite us technically being on the side of the city, I know without a doubt that we'd be stopped immediately if anyone saw us. Maybe even thrown in jail. At this point, all the officials know is that an evacuation is occurring. And that definitely wouldn't explain why two young adults were messing around the electrical tower.

When we are sure it's safe, or as safe as it's going to get, we run to the base of the tower, and I immediately grab at the rungs to begin my ascent. Josh grabs my hand before I can even get one foot up.

"Wait," he says, I hear an edge of panic in his voice for the first time since I've known him. "Why do you have to be the one to climb?"

"Because I'm a better climber, and we both know it," I explain impatiently, glancing around nervously. A rumble of thunder echoes through the sky, increasing the need to hurry, but Josh remains rooted to the spot. "You should go help evacuate the neighborhoods. Make sure they don't leave anyone behind in the dark."

Josh hesitates, looking from me, to the rest of the city. "Go. I've got this," I insist. I turn back to the tower but am cut off again.


"What?" I whip around, exasperated and ready to lay into him for wasting time in a dire situation such as this when I feel his hands gripping my face, pulling my lips to his own.

I'm so shocked that I don't respond, I just stand there frozen, feeling thoroughly confused and panicked. I notice the warmth of his fingers on my cheeks, the strange sensation of his face so close to mine. When he pulls away, I look straight at him, trying desperately to compose myself enough to react, but he is already running toward the neighborhoods.

I shake my head, quickly clearing it so I can focus on the task at hand, and turn back, climbing the tower as fast as my limbs will allow. I hear another rumble of thunder, and the first drops of a storm fall onto my face. I groan and climb faster, knowing that it will soon become much more difficult as the rain causes the metal bars to be slick and ungraspable.

I reach the top, and slide my hands around the lamp, searching for the switch. The rain is coming down hard now, blurring my vision and soaking my clothes. My fingers finally locate a smooth switch and I press it hard. As I do, the entire city goes black.

Almost instantly, I hear loud noises and yelling coming from the center of town. It's erupted into chaos, and I can only hope Josh will be able to navigate it enough to help the citizens.

Without the lights of the town, the city is pitch black on a normal night, and the dark storm clouds have eliminated any small source of natural light that could have been available. I look for the small sliver of crescent moon from earlier but that too has been covered by the storm. I slowly make my way down the rungs, my hands and feet almost slipping several times because of the slippery surfaces.

When I'm almost at the bottom, my foot slips on the wet metal. I yell without thinking, my cold fingers tightening on the rungs above to the point of pain. I hang listlessly for a moment, my arms aching instantly as I try to keep my fingers from slipping. I feel panic start to set in and swing hard, trying to catch the rungs with my feet again.

Just as I'm able to get one foot up again, I hear their voices echo across the square.

"You there! Stop!"

I freeze. I can't see them through the darkness, but I can only assume they are talking to me. Maybe they heard me—the rungs aren't exactly silent—or maybe they saw me in the distance, before the lights went out. I take a deep breath, steadying myself against the side of the tower, trying to remain as silent as possible. The best I can hope for is the darkness to be my cover, shielding my exact location from the guards. They won't want to waste resources, or create a panic, by firing aimlessly—I think. But am I willing to bet my life on it? I'm not sure I have any other choice.

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