Chapter 1: HOPE

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"Lan Zhaaaan!"

Wei Ying's cry echoed all the way to the entrance of the Grotto and brought the Lan Disciples and Lan Xichen down to the water in no time. Yes, the Lans ran!

Lan ShiZui panted as he grabbed Wei Ying in a hug, and cried,"Baba! What happened? What happened to Father? Why did you shout his name?"

Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying stood knee deep in a stream of purple water that ran like a ribbon out to the sea. Jiang Cheng looked smug and actually smiled, as Lan Xichen reached them. Jiang Cheng took his hand and was uncharacteristically silent as he waited for Wei Ying to recover his wits.

"Jiang Cheng?" Lan Xichen prompted, but Jiang Cheng shook his head and waited for Wei Ying to speak.

Wei Ying seemed to be in the grip of great emotion: relief, joy and gratitude surged within his heart. Relief poured out of his eyes and joy lifted his lips in a blindingly beautiful smile. His love for his Soulmate, stronger than even his life force, shone from within, illuminating his entire being. Wei Ying actually glowed, as did the ring on his finger!

Wei Ying gulped, wiped his face and turned to Lan Xichen.

"My Lan Zhan is alive! He is safe. He said, 'Wei Ying'!" Putting a hand on Jiang Cheng's shoulder, he sniffed and awkwardly began, "I don't know how to thank you, Shidi!"

"Then don't!" said Jiang Cheng promptly, ruining his newly established image! As Lan Xichen raised his eyebrows in surprise, he groused further, "Given the chance to communicate, you'd think Brother Hanguang Jun would say something useful, like where he is, but no! All he can think of is 'Wei Ying'! Shaking Wei Ying's hand off, he stomped back to the beach. Wei Ying blushed, and then he and the rest hurried after Jiang Cheng.

Soon, a bonfire was crackling away and the buzz of multiple discussions drowned the chirping of crickets. Madam War and her cohorts had churned out yet another superb meal. Pans were heard sizzling as Aappams* were made fireside and served hot. Huge flat griddles stood raised on stone stoves. Stoked with coconut fronds, the fire burnt blue and the sizzle of rice batter hitting the hot griddle sent up clouds of steam. In a few seconds, a spongy aapam was ready! This was whisked off and another ladle of batter took its place.

Spicy curry, made of fish and clams just caught, was tempered with spices and coconut milk; and a generous portion of this was handed out in bowls made of coconut shells. As everyone dived into their food, Matron Beaver arrived with a covered tureen.

"For our vegetarian guests," she announced smiling at Lan JingYi, who was watching SaMi in alarm, as she decimated a fish! "Pumpkins, snake beans and eggplant in a spicy coconut curry!" she announced, to JingYi's obvious relief.

Soon everyone was tucking in merrily, and for once, the Lans talked during meals; as Wei Ying had pointed out earlier, they were not in Cloud Recesses.

Jiang Cheng was the cynosure of all eyes today. Unused to praise and compliments, the taciturn young Leader just nodded and blushed, as the trio of Ladies complimented his innovative use of the Zidian. Lan Xichen, a master at diplomacy, smiled and thanked everyone on 'My Wanyin's behalf'; that got him blushing even more!

As the fires died, the stars were seen twinkling in an inky moonless sky. Everyone had retired to trees, caves and tents. In the shadows cast by the dying firelight, Lan Xichen murmured, "Come Wanyin, now you can thank me for thanking them!" At Jiang Cheng's glare, he grinned, his eyes full of promises. As Jiang Cheng opened his lips to comment, Lan Xichen put a silencing spell around them and whisked him into their tent!

Observing them from afar, Wei Ying felt a pang of loss, but smiled through his tears. At long last, his Shidi was happy. Wei Ying loved and respected his brother-in-law. XichenGe was almost as good a catch as his Lan Zhan! Wei Ying was very happy for Jiang Cheng.

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