Chapter Eight

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"I will always wait for you."

“You’re coming tonight?”

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“You’re coming tonight?”

“Yeah, all the furniture’s been moved. The last thing we need to bring is ourselves. You think you can call a moving truck for us?” I rolled my eyes at my cousin’s deep rumble across the other end of the phone. 

He’s just so funny.

“Do you want me to come and help?” I asked as I garnished the haleem with fried onions and roasted cashews, walking towards the oven which still had a minute left.

I rubbed a hand across my forehead, feeling the sweat and dampness. It was a mini hubbub here, as always. Pots clanked together and I could see Derek almost tripped over someone's hunched body as they peered into a drawer. I stifledy laugh as the woman scolded Derek and he smiled awkwardly.

“No, it's okay. Sashal and I’ve got it. Mom’s coming over to help too. All you do is make yourself presentable for tomorrow’s dinner, yeah? I heard Mom’s calling someone else so make sure you behave.”

“As if I’m the one who needs the pep-talk,” I grunted as I hoisted a huge pot of stew and shifted it to another larger stove, “You’re the one who placed frogs in your fathers drawers not to mention running naked around the school.”

I heard Jay groan at the other end and I chuckled, “That was one time! I was like three years old.”

“Most people would have known not to do that but then again you’ve always been the dumbest. Plus we both know how slow your brain grew.”

I heard Jay about to reply when a high pitched shriek followed by something crashing to the ground as Jay cursed. “Oh damn, it's Archer. I’ll call you back later okay? Sashal’s gonna kill me if Archer’s smashed the new vase she got. I’ll see you tomorrow! Be nice!”

I guffawed just as the other line went dead and I slipped my phone back inside my pocket, still laughing. Jay had been a dad for seven years and he still acted like a teen sometimes. Some things never change.

“Who was that?” Derek asked as he grated some cheese and simultaneously watched over the stuffing for the quesadillas. I rolled my eyes with a goofy grin, “You know Jay, always over dramatic. He’s coming tonight.”

Derek whistled low, “It's been four years since I last saw him. What's his boy’s name again?”

“Archer Sudeen.”

Derek nodded and then squinted at me and I rolled my eyes already knowing he was going to ask about my niece. Derek had never been good at remembering names but faces he could recall very well.

“Auriana’s daughter’s name is Lila.” 

“Right. Archer and Lila.” Derek confirmed as he poured the cake batter into a tray already greased with butter and plopped it into the hot oven before wiping his hands on a cloth.

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