| 8 | Look at All The Silly Little Chapters with their Silly Little Titles

813 46 39

Words: 1375
Date published: 10.31.22

- not proof-read -

Potential TWs: attempted assault, violence

"The petrification ceremony was a mess, to say the least. Eda the Owl Lady, despite being a wild witch, had seemed to win the people over. For the peoples' favor, Emperor Belos released her.

"Before she was caged for the ceremony, there was a big battle with a higher-up in the coven named Lilith Clawthorne - Eda's sister and Eda herself. Apparently, Lilith almost pushed the human girl I had been hearing about to her death, but didn't succeed.

"Belos wanted Eda petrified for her crimes and he needed the human girl for his plans. He won't reveal why, but that's okay. Emperor Belos hasn't led us astray in centuries. I trust that man wholeheartedly.

"After the recent events, I fear the emperor may have lost a bit of loyalty. I hope not, though. He's worked so hard to keep everyone safe and happy.

"It's currently 3 in the morning. I can't sleep... I have my first REAL mission today! Though, I'm working more undercover... Golden Guard will be in his uniform, and I'll be posing as a regular crew member as we go on a bounty hunting trip to find... The Selkidamus!"

You pressed the button to end the recording and slid your scroll into your pocket. You eyed the clock. Hunter won't even be up for another 2 hours... you thought accompanied by a groan.

You grabbed your freshly bought sketchpad and a pencil and began drawing random things. You drew Golden Guard, and Emperor Belos, and Steve, and Max, and Golden Guard playing video games with you, and your family, and yourself as Golden Guard, and Hunter playing guitar and... there was a bit of a trend.

It had only been about 20 minutes when you heard the door of Hunter's room open and close. He's up already? You stood up to go greet him but thought better of it. That's when you got a text.

3:23 AM

WhY aree your lightd on.???

Cuz i'm awake?


Cuz I was excited for the mission... why are YOU awake?

Haave yoyu SEEN my eye bags.dear.?


Shut uo



Make me


That's right, you fucking coward.


Awww <3<3<3 baby's first text face


Ok! I'll do that right now :D

Cab I come in.?

No i'm busy dying

Ok thankks.!

Hunter opened your door and let himself in. Figures. You eyed him up and down. He had on fuzzy Triforce pajama pants, an oversized tee shirt, and his mask. His hair was very disheveled as well. "That doesn't look like it meets the uniform requirements, Mister Golden Guard," you remarked.

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