| 25 | This chapter is only 854 Words But The Next One Will Be Better

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words: 854
Date published: 5/11/2023

- not proof-read -

Hunter's POV

I leaned against the railing of the balcony, my mind full of racing thoughts. This time, at least, there was a sliver of optimism. When I followed the human's and owl lady's trail, I wound up in a weird secret lair. Apparently, Darius, Eberwolf, Raine, and some others were working against Belos and had a plan to stop the draining spell.

Darius mentioned that he doubted Belos would have wanted to catch Y/N just to kill her if the draining spell would already do that. She was brought directly to him, meaning he needed her for something. Considering the deadline to capture her was the Day of Unity, she was probably safe until then.

During the ritual, Eda was going to be disguised as Raine so that her curse would affect the spell, rendering it ineffective. During the chaos, Luz and I would follow Belos, hopefully finding Y/N. Then, we'd all head straight to Hexside until we were told it was safe to come out by Raine, Darius, Eda, or Eberwolf.

All things considered, it seemed like the best possible plan.

I stared up at the stars. In a strange way, it gave me comfort knowing that Y/N was still out there somewhere under the same stars I was seeing now. "I will save you," I muttered. "No matter what, I will get you back."

"Talking about saving your girlfriend, how romantic!" I whipped around to see Luz standing in the doorway. I sent a glare in her direction.

"She's not my girlfriend! She just... means a lot to me."

"And that's why you're blushing?"

"No! It's just- cold out here!" I replied, hoping she'd believe me.

"Uh-huh..." she said with a hint of suspicion. "Well, I was told to tell you that you should try to get some sleep."

I glanced back at the sky for a moment before turning to follow her inside.

"You ready to hit the hay, Blondie?" The Owl Lady was being so nice to me. It was so confusing, but I brushed it off. I'd figure out what her intentions were later. 

"I guess, yeah."

"Good. You'd better rest up so you can save your girlfriend, tomorrow."

I felt the heat rise to my face again. "Y/N is not my girlfriend! She's just my friend!"

Eda snorted. "Yeah, sure, Kid... Now get some sleep."

/// /// ///

"Why are we stopping?" Luz asked as her ride slowed down. Since I was following, I slowed down, too. Luz decided she wanted to go save her girlfriend and I was really bored and decided to go with her.

"To meet your security escort!" she responded.

"What? We can handle ourselves!" I argued.

"Yeah, we don't need an escort!" Luz added. So the human can have correct opinions after all...

"Darius insisted!" she said before flying off.

"Did you hear that, Gus?"

"Yeah! No, I guess we'll have to go home! Well, it's been fun!" I turned to see Willow and Gus.

"Willow! Gus! You're here!" Luz exclaimed as she ran up to them.

"Hey," I said simply. Gus held his hand up. What...? Oh, right. A "high five" or whatever. I slapped his hand. It sounds weird, but apparently, it was some human realm thing.

/// /// ///

There were coven scouts guarding Blight Manor, but Luz took them out with a plant glyph. Yikes, that looked painful. "Sorry, man!" I shouted as I ran past.

Before we could enter, Luz was captured by one of Alador's creations. I realized that the alarm was about to throw off our entire plan, so I jumped up and detached the siren with a sweep of my staff through the goo.

Willow pulled it down with vines and we were good to go again. We came to a stop below Amity's window and Luz raised herself to the balcony using another glyph.

"The world is ending and Luz decided to go save her girlfriend," Gus said with a sniffle, wiping a tear from his eye. "How romantic can things get?"

"That's not special," I muttered.

"Don't forget, Hunter almost tried to sneak into the castle to save Y/N!" Willow said. She said it so innocently, but she was definitely doing it to make fun of me.

"She's my best friend and nothing more!" I snapped.

"Dude, you can't keep denying it," Gus replied.

"Yeah, you make it pretty obvious," Willow added.

"Wh- Says who?" I demanded, feeling the familiar burning sensation in my cheeks.

"The redness of your face is a pretty good indicator."

"I-" I began, but no argument came to mind. I sighed, ready to admit defeat. "Okay, fine. Maybe I do- have feelings for Y/N... but that doesn't mean we're anything more than friends!"

"For now, at least," Gus said just barely loud enough for me to hear.

"What are you implying?" I demanded, growing suspicious. "You better not be planning anything."

"Nope! No plans here," Gus responded, but it wasn't very reassuring. Why would I end up with Y/N if he wasn't planning something?

I opened my mouth to ask what he was planning, but that's when Luz and Amity returned. I glared at Gus. I'm going to figure this out and stop you before you can pull any tricks... Right after we save Y/N and stop Belos.

A/N: The Owl House Finale aired a while ago, and ohhhhh boy has it been a hell of a ride.

I started my first Hunter fanfic, The Prodigies, on the day that Hunting Palisman aired without much of a plan. I really, really don't like that book, but I know a lot of you guys do, so I won't remove it any time soon.

As for this one, I marked it as being on hiatus. I'll probably keep it marked as that for a long time, but it really just means the updates will come a LOT slower than before. 

I don't normally say stuff like this but thank you SO much for all of the support I've been receiving. It means a lot to me. I've been writing fanfics since I was in, like, 2nd grade starting with an animal crossing one so having so many people reading my stories is pretty cool.

Also, if you've read this far into this author's note, thanks. I don't think many people do. If anyone wants to talk more, I have my discord posted on my profile. I'd love to meet new friends with similar interests like TOH ^^ I've met a few awesome people through this (hi Ray) and would love to meet more :D

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