chapters 3

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As Maverick made his way to the main office there he was saw three faces that he was happy to see. Iceman and goose.

Maverick: if it isn't my wingman and my partner.

Goose: Maverick how you been man.

Maverick: i have been better.. so how is your son doing?

Goose: he is doing good mav he is a pilot and he graduated from the academy.... but.

Fox: Captain Michael the admiral are ready for you!

Maverick: well if it isn't the clone that killed his own brother.

Fox: you watch it captain you may be a top gun pilot and I master Yoda favorite but he is not here to protect you. Anyway they are in that room.

Maverick went in the room to see Mace windo and Obi-Wan.

Mace: Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell your representation processed you. Captain you are here is because we believe that there are a small pockets of the Separatist.

Maverick: what's the target sir.

Obi-Wan: we believe they are here on this planet called earth and the location is here.

Maverick see that is was pearl harbor and saw there was some old aircraft from the clone and one ship...

Maverick: sir I.....I don't want to attack this base sir.

Mace: may I ask why captain?

Maverick: its because one ship the uss Arizona that sunk at the beginning of ww2 my grandfather was abord it when it went down.I don't want see ship sunk again and why don't we leave them alone they haven't done anything sir.

Mace: this is coming from the senate and the chancellor Amedda orders.

Obi-Wan: I don't like this either but if the Separatist do come back we will have another war on our hands... but.

Mace: but that is Not the only thing that they have they also have some old f14 Tomcat as well.

Obi-Wan: is it possible to fly the mission captain?

Maverick: this would be a cake walk for the arc- 170, t-85 and the f35 but who ever is in command at pearl harbor has pre good defense around the island. But they forgot one part of the island. The small canyon that leads to their lage oil fields and factors. How long tell the mission?

Obi-Wan: less then three weeks captain.

Maverick:know some pilot that could do it we could use the f14 but it would be better to use the f18..

Mace: your mistakes captain we don't want you to fly it we want you to teach it. We called 12 top gun graduated from there squad they will fly the mission.

Maverick noticed Luke and Leia and he remembered what padme ask Maverick to do.

Mace: is there a problem captain.

Maverick: you should know sir.

Obi-Wan: lieutenants Luke and Leia Skywalker.

Mace: anakin kids what was his call sign again?

Maverick: skyguy sir.

Mace: it was tragic what to him..

Obi-Wan: Maverick was cleared from any wrong doing.

Mace: do Luke and Leia see like that. Do you captain?.

Maverick: with respect sir I am not a teacher sir.

Mace: let me make this clear captain you are not my first opponent the other instructors including master Yoda asked for you captain. And if you decline them this will be your last post. Your dismiss captain.

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