chapter 12

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in the senate building where there was an emergency meeting due to the strike that the C.I.S. some clone legions including some members of the Jedi order and all the pilots of Top Gun. Now they were making plans to strike back.

 Amedda: we received word that the separatist alliance has attacked us with the help of the top gun and a few members of the Jedi order. ..

Orn Free Taa: this is an outrage I knew that the top gun would do this and now that the separatist is back!!

Chuchi: well you all wanted them to attack their home and destroy one of their ships that was raised for them. 

Padme: what senator Chuchi is true we were going to send them to attack another world that was neutral from the clone war and they were not even part of the Separatists or the republic so why did we try to attack them?

Halle Burton: and yet they attacked my home and destroyed a research center that was working on curing cancer that we heard of and other things that Earth had.

Mee Deechi: and this new world has advanced tech that put the republic behind them as we are still working on the new jets.

Anaconda Farr: that is all we know very little about them and if we attack them this will start another war with Earth and its allies. 

Kharrus: that is why we need to take out their ships that are space worthily and take this planet by force!!

Larik: we can't have another war my people will suffer and so will everyone that is with the republic... are we going to do this.

Amedda: let's put it to a vote to see if we invade earth and destroy anything that the separatist had created for the people of earth or we leave them alone may I remind you all that this would come to hunt us if they want to start a war with the republic.

after the chance-roller said that the votes had started and almost all of the senators wanted to invade Earth and only Padme and chuchi didn't and it was agreed that the republic attacks earth.

Amedda: I have great news thanks to the people of Mumbai they created a fleet that can outgun the separatist and whatever they got it's far more advanced than the vendors that we got. I will allow senator Mee Deechi

Mee Deechi: these ships have enough firepower to take down capable warships in the water or space and I know we can win this war before it starts and we can take out the separatist and earth may be got.

Mee Deechi: these ships have enough firepower to take down capable warships in the water or space and I know we can win this war before it starts and we can take out the separatist and earth may be got

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