Chapter 1: The beginning

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Who am I? The name is Maverick O'Hair I am 18 years old a senior in this small Texas town. Why am I so deep in thought? I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life, music has always played such a huge part of it. My best friend Lupe and I have been writing songs since who knows how long. She was the only one who didn't care about the extra appendage between my legs, or the fact that my family was utterly rich. I spent most of my time with her family and considered them my  family.

"Hey Mav, are you paying attention?" I hear a voice followed by a shove to my arm, as I look up at Lupe. "Yeah sorry just distracted." I say smiling then standing up looking back down at her, don't get me wrong she was pretty tall to most standing at 6ft maybe 6'1, but I was still taller at 6ft4. Trust me we got looks everywhere we went, and don't ask the number of times they tried to recruit us to the different teams.

"I can tell, that's usually me being distracted, especially after everything that happen at the beginning of the year." She says as she looks far off into the distance. One of our close friends had passed away at the beginning of the year, they were super close and had completely distanced themselves from almost everyone but a few.

"I know, but just to think we get to get out of here in a few weeks and the completely begin our lives." I said as I threw my hands up in the air dancing as I got her to dance with me. "I can't wait, I am honestly tired of all of these peoples looks every time she is mention around us." She says as she continues to dance. "Plus also you are getting out of here and going to New York, which you better believe that you are gonna get me to go see you."

I laugh at her antics, she decided to stay closer to home then I did because she is super close to her parents, their oldest and the only girl out of the three of them. They also had become like family to me, lets just say my parents weren't around much and I pretty much stayed with her family since I was 12/13.

"Ready to go to the band hall?" I ask as I look over at her, as she nodded her head and we started walking towards it. It had always been our home away from home, being seniors and in the last few weeks of school there was pretty much no use for me to be in class. Lupe on the other hand was the kid who took AP classes, but would eventually get bored in them.

"Y'know I still can't believe you got me writing a country song." She said as I could see her completely going crazy in her notebook. "Come on Lupe, we aren't going to be able to do this as much once we graduate." I said as I messed with a few chords on my guitar, we were currently in a practice room the band director would just let us jam in here.

"OK, ok how does this sound?" She says as she starts singing

if I leave my heart with you

tonight will you promise me

that you're gonna treat it right

I'm barely hangin' on

If I fall, can you let me down easy

"Damn dude, where did you come up with that?" I said as I look up at her, and she looks over at me. "You remember that one thing I did at Valentines Day? Lets just say I wasn't let down easy." She said as she continued to write.

A few weeks later Graduation

"I still can't believe your mom talked you into wearing that." I said as I watched her zipped up her gown. "Shut it Samson," she says it as she glares over at me "Come on we said that we wouldn't use our first names anymore." I say as I look over at her. "Well then chill with comments on my outfit, you know how my mom is, plus you know how terrifying she can get." she says as she grabs my graduation cap placing it on my head.

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