Chapter 5: She's Leaving

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Lizzie Pov

My head whipped back and forth every so often looking at the two trying to discuss so many things that won't even be happening for at least a few months.

Although these two had been becoming some of my favorite people, Mav and I had this relationship that I knew no matter what I would be protected. I knew that the both of us didn't want to ruin this whole thing between us.. no matter how much I just wanted them to be completely mine.

I always laughed at my relationship with Lupe it always seemed like we had that point of where we could tell each other about anything. Like the fact that I knew she had been talking to Taylor about music and maybe them collaborating with each other.

I knew of her obvious crush over the blonde singer, but I was still one of the few who didn't seem to tease her about it.

Although I know Mav definitely would've had certain words to say to her that's for sure... So I tried to remain the one in the middle of them and help them figure out compromises before it ended up in more arguments.

Which is why I am currently watching the two argued about a certain part in either the song or set up, Mav always knew that Lupe was a complete perfectionist.

I still couldn't believe the fact that these two were seriously trying to plan so many months ahead, the two were completely opposites somedays when it came to work ethic.

"I am telling you Mav... it's not going to be that bad. I mean it's not even that complicated, I can basically play the whole thing with my mascot head. " She said as she looked over at them, throwing her arms in the air.

"You do realize you are seriously making this even more complicated for Theo right? That guy can hardly keep up." Mav said as they read over what she had written down.

"Come on, we are just trying to get better Mav, you never know who is going to be coming in. I mean we always want to be getting better and doing more y'know? Plus if it is too complicated for him then I will just take over. I will get behind the drums and do it myself ok?" Lupe said as I was trying to let the two figure out a compromise between the two of them.

"Fine" is all I hear Mav mutter out, the two quickly turning towards me.

"Finally." I state as the two shake their heads as a smile just comes across my face.

"It wasn't that bad." Mav states as they wrap an arm around me.

"Ok why do the two of you always seem to make me feel like I am in a third wheel situation. Like seriously most of those girls around campus always seem to be scared of Liz if they get near you." Lupe throws up her arms once again.

"She isn't even that scary." Mav states as I tilt my head towards them, they quickly shuddering. "How is that still so terrifying?"

"Beats me" Lupe says as a smirk comes across my face. 

"So is that finally it? Can we actually hang out before I have to head back to the dorms so that I can pack?" I question queen I see pouts coming across their faces. "Come on it's not going to be that bad. You will probably be busy creating music to even realize that I am gone."

The two not quite saying anything as they look over at me, I would honestly miss this two more than I would want to admit. 

I worry that if I am not here there would be some girl trying to take my place with Mav, though knowing them they wouldn't let that happen.

"Don't worry Lizzie no one is going to replace you." Lupe told me as I just nodded my head. "Besides Mav over there would probably replace me before they even thought of replacing you."

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