Chapter 3: It's a plan

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Mav Pov

Lizzie had sent us the place she had ordered from, of course sending us with her card to pay. But neither Lupe or I would've let her pay.... Plus it was her fault for not coming with, what we do or don't do isn't our fault.

As we reached the place, it almost smelt like being back home in Texas. It was a small little Mexican restaurant, Lupe and I both looking at each other smiling. "Shall we order more?" She says smirking, honestly between the two of us we were like bottomless pits.

It's not like we both didn't work out like crazy as well, I nod my head towards her letting them know we wanted to add even more food.

"You think Liz is going to murder us by the time we get back? I mean if she does can she do it after we eat?" Lupe says laughing as she takes a drink out of her tea. "Good still not as good as back home."

"All you think about is your stomach, but she probably won't. Y'know I am kind of nervous meeting her sisters though." I said as we waited for the food.

"Dude you are good with people and besides great with my siblings. You'll be fine." She said as our order came up, I quickly paying for it.

Lizzie Pov

Maverick and Lupe usually kept their house pretty clean, so there wasn't too much to it. I found were the plates and silverware were located, along with some glasses.

This place was honestly huge, I knew Mavs parents were like super rich, but they were completely down to earth.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door followed by a "open the door Lizard"

"I am coming hold your horses" I tell my sisters as I open the door. "Hey." I give each one of my sisters a hug.

"This is a nice place Lizzie" Mk says as they have a look around.

"It's Mavs parents place" I tell them as the two take in their surroundings. "And what do they do?"

"Umm something in business, like billionaires, just wait until you hear their accents." I say as we go have a seat in the living room

"Their accent?" Ashley says as she gives me a slight smirk.

"Yes their, Mavs best friend Lupe lives here as well. They are both from Texas." I tell them "interesting" they both say at the same time.

"What's interesting?" Mav says as both of them walk in with a ton more bags then I thought.

"Uhh nothing, umm that's a lot more food then what I thought I ordered." I say as I look at the two of them.

"In my defense you know we both eat like there is no tomorrow Liz. Especially Lupe over there." Mav says as points towards her, who is just drinking out of the cup.

"Wow dude, call me out why don't you." She says as she goes to set everything down, before coming back over towards us.

"Sorry guys these are my sisters Mary Kate and Ashley." I say as I just try and ignore the twos banter.

I see Lupe step up, going to each one saying hello and shaking their hands. "It's very nice to meet y'all, I am Lupe." She says smiling.

"Hi I am Mav, sorry just a slight bit nervous at first." they say as wave a slight bit.

"It's very nice to meet y'all." Lupe says as her accent becomes even more evident with her use of y'all.

I see my sisters smile slightly before watch the two friends head over to the kitchen to go and finish setting up the food.

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