Chapter Seven

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Nicolas King glanced around the room, trying his best to avoid dancing with any of the ladies. Not that he didn't think they were unattractive, but he was only here for a secret mission. One that he hoped was only a prank.

"Mr King?" Lady Wildridge inquired, taking his attention away from the throng.

"Yes, your ladyship?"

"I know you take your line of work seriously, but please, do go on and enjoy yourself. There's plenty of young women I see eyeing you." She smiled at the small group of young women standing against the walls.

"All the more reason I should keep my wits, your grace."

"At least take a walk around the room so it doesn't look like you're glued to my side."

"Ah, of course, your grace." He bowed, departing.

Nicolas strolled around the room, only speaking briefly to those who stopped him. And none so subtly introduced him to their daughters or nieces. A few even offered their sons.

He politely excused himself and hid in the dark corner behind the staircase.

Lord Wildridge and his wife were dancing together to one of the dances, behaving a lot younger than they already were. They paired arms and continued to greet their guests.

Glancing around the room, Nicolas took in the decorations. Lady Wildridge had spared no expense: the curtains were a rich burgundy tired back with gold scarves. And a young woman standing by them dressed in almost the same shade of red caught his eye.

He watched this gorgeous woman as she kept the sides of the room. Was she trying to avoid social conversation? She had an elegant and mysterious air about her that he found himself admiring. Or maybe it was just her mask, hiding her true self.

He found himself walking right to her, asking for a dance.

She smiled politely, even though her eyes said something else.

He led her onto the floor as the music began playing and-

What the hell was he doing?! He didn't know how to dance!

"Forgive me, but it seems I'd forgotten what an inexperienced dancer I am."

Her lips curved in a smile. "You don't know how to dance, do you?"

"Only the country ones," Nicolas admitted.

"First, you need to bow."

"I beg your pardon?"

"For the Waltz. You bow, I curtsy. Then you take my hand and place your other hand on my back."

He did as she directed. "I'm supposed to lead, aren't I?"

She laughed, the sound like a bell.
"If you want, I could subtly lead."


"Step forward with your left foot, and then we move to the right in a clockwise direction. After two or three turns, you spin me around."

He tried to do exactly as she said, but it took a few times to get into the rhythm.

"So how is it that you do not know the basic dances?" She asked as he spun her.

Nicolas swallowed, trying to remember the steps without accidentally crushing her foot. "My family owns a small farm in the countryside. The only dancing I did, was when we had special events."

"I see. How do you know Lady Wildridge?"

"Only through introduction. I'm afraid I cannot discuss my true reason for being here."

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