11| 2nd Homesickness

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All the new students were settled into their chairs. The dining hall seperated the houses a bit, but she saw a few older students that didn't belong to Thunderbird sitting around her with the other thunderbirds.

Food was served family style. When the food was passed to her, she only grabbed a little. She wanted to eat, but she was afraid that her nerves and excitement would make her barf it out.

She ended up eating pork chops, green beans, and cornbread with water. It tasted better than it normally did when she ate elsewhere, maybe she was just happy, or maybe it was magic. Both were possible.

Lawrence was the first of the new thunderbirds to start a conversation with an older student.

"How about that proffesor, what's he like?" he asked an older girl while he pointed at the teacher's table.

"Oh, he's new. Our last Transfiguration professor was too old to teach, like, five years ago."

Adrienne immediately looked up to where Lawrence was pointing. "That's my dad," she said.

"Oh," both of them said. Lawrence followed it up with a "that's cool!" and the older girl stayed quiet with a tiny bit of an annoyed expression. Adrienne realized the older student probably thought she was bragging.

"He's a good guy. He's fair, smart, and willing to help. He does get pretty emotional, but rarely angry," Adrienne added, "you'll like him." The older girl's face softened a bit.

"You're Adrienne, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Willow, welcome to Thunderbird." Willow smiled.

Adrienne smiled back, though her's was only small. She took another bite of her porkchops.


The other two new thunderbird girls decided they wanted to stay up.

"So we can..." Violet had tried to explain.

"Savor your first day?" Adrienne guessed.

Kendall nodded. "Yeah, that's it!"

While Adrienne didn't easily fall asleep normally, she hoped that she would get more sleep during her first night at Ilvermorny. Though, she let the girls do what they wanted. She took it as an opportunity to look through her textbooks.

She didn't get to though.

Kendall and Violet brought her into their conversation frequently and eventually Adrienne decided she might as well stay up with them.

"What's your blood status?" Kendall asked.

Violet gasped. "Oh my god, Kendall, you can't just ask someone what their blood status is!"

'Ah, Mean Girls,' Adrienne immediately knew what it was from. Amy religiously quoted it. Now she felt a little sad. She wasn't super close with any of the campers, but she missed her siblings. She missed how Kamaka would come into the cabin with muddy feet and a snake in his hands which made everyone start freaking out. She missed how Mitchell and Carina would help her with her clothes. She missed sharing exasperated looks with Julie. She missed listening to Suki's rambles. She missed watching Philip and Amato having petty arguments and then watching them cry over The Fault In Our Stars. Actually, everyone cried over it. She shed a tear or two when went to restroom. She missed how Cordelia and Darrel would challenge her to sword fights and eventually she and Cordelia would team up. She missed it all. But she would have to wait a more than half a year to see them next.

Kendall looked shocked and guilty. "I'm sorry... I- Was that rude?" she asked Adrienne.

Adrienne shook her head. "Violet was quoting a movie."

"A no-maj movie?" Kendall's eyes glittered with innocent curiousty. Violet and Adrienne nodded.

"To answer your question, I'm a half-blood. My dad is too," Adrienne said.

"What about your mom?" Violet asked.

"Oh, well..." What was she supposes to say? That her mom was dead? Would gone work? Well, her mom obviously didn't stick around, considering she only meet the woman that year... "She's out of the picture."

Violet didn't ask any more personal questions. Kendall didn't either.

They spent the next few hours talking about the little things. What class was everyone the most excited for, what wa everyone's favorite color, and other mundane things that made good small talk. They chatted together until they could barely make a coherent word. Then they all snuggled their heads into their pillows and let sleep take them.

Adrienne hoped the other two had a peaceful sleep, because she spent the few minutes leading to hers crying.

The days she spent at her new house were easy since she had her dad back. Time at camp wasn't easy, but she eventually fell into a cycle and found home in it. She had two homes, but was there room for a third?

Her first home was with her dad. Her second was camp. Ilvermorny seemed wonderful, but did she have room in her heart for it? Would she spend every second she had to herself wishing she was at camp? Her dad was at Ilvermorny, but she wouldn't wake up with him making them both coffee and then they could sit at the dining table and chat. She would eat breakfast in the dining hall and then go to her first class.

She must've rolled over ten times before she just gave up and cried. She didn't sob, it was too late in the night to let herself sob. Her face was stained with tears. She wanted to go to camp, but she couldn't. She would have to stay at Ilvermorny. She would have to learn how to be a witch. Not because she couldn't elsewhere, but because it was the closest to her dad. Camp would have to wait.

She let out a deep breath. It was beginning to become a habit whenever she felt strongly.

She began to think of other things. About Harry Potter, about Hecate, and about her new dormates. She eventually fell asleep. But that wasn't as peaceful as she wanted.


Ancient Elis- a city known for horse breeding and Olympic Games. It resides in a corner of Peloponnese.


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